Adam and Ian's Reception

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    Sean GeraghtySean Geraghty

    Do we know who has replaced Freda in the kitchen at The Bull? Fallon must be far too busy getting Bridge Farm Cafe ready so maybe Jolene is in the kitchen.
    In case there is anyone else out there who wondered wtf caponata is, here is a useful link


    Those who grew up in the five boroughs of New York City know and love caponata!

    Blithe SpiritBlithe Spirit

    Absolutely – the Italian New York community continues our old country tradition of cucina povera, of which caponata is a star (and seriously delicious!).

    (Incidentally, I have two Sicilian godfathers in New York – ahem, not *that* kind of godfather 😉 )

    Spare MousieSpare Mousie

    I notice Rob was not at all happy that Helen was enjoying the caponata. He certainly stopped her eating, didn’t he? I think that was because he was angry he hadn’t managed to sabotage the wedding and was taking it out on Helen – how dare she have fun.

    Stupid move. If he’s at all interested in the health of his unborn child he must realise it’s hardly helpful if she has a relapse into anorexia. But so often his anger gets the better of him as with the hunt observer.

    That’s what doesn’t quite work in this otherwise well done story. Rob’s mask has slipped too many times for him to deceive all the people who seem to think he’s so loving and caring. Why for instance does Neil think he’s great when he was vile to Susan? And Pat heard him be absolutely horrible to Jim (that night at the opera). Jim admittedly was being a pest but Rob’s reaction was quite over the top and Pat should have been very embarrassed at his behaviour.

    Becky BlackBecky Black

    It definitely doesn’t make sense for Rob to trigger a relapse of Helen’s eating disorder while she’s pregnant. But how far ahead does he think stuff out? Sometimes he plots and schemes, but other times he just does this stuff on impulse, usually if he’s angry. (I definitely think that resigning from Berrow Farm was an impulse because he got angry at being challenged by Charlie.) That’s what I would say happened here. Just had to take out his bad temper somehow.

    Pat’s sudden liking of Rob seemed to actually be in reaction to him being rude and horrible to Jim. She appeared to actually be impressed by that! Bizarre. Does feminist, progressive Pat harbour a secret liking for the caveman type?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Becky BlackBecky Black.
    Spare MousieSpare Mousie

    Pat’s sudden liking of Rob seemed to actually be in reaction to him being rude and horrible to Jim.

    Yes, I think you’re right and most uncharacteristic that was. OldPat would have said, briskly, ‘Thank you, Rob, but I am quite capable of fighting my own battles.’ For Rob to assume otherwise was extremely patronising and to be so over-the-top rude to an elderly man. (I know it was not the time or place for Jim to be tackling Pat about the Farm Shop, but still …)

    Pat has watched some puzzling changes of Helen’s views and ought to be wary of Rob, still. Helen’s speech supporting Berrow Farm should have had both Pat’s and Tony’s jaws dropping. Tom should have found Helen’s change of mind re the decor puzzling. And more recently Tony witnessed Rob’s temper tantrum over the tables (wonderful scene!)

    Do these people never talk to each other?

    Oh, back to Adam and Ian … Ian is definitely blanking her, isn’t he?

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