Happy 100
The podcast provided a unique opportunity to hear Shambridges real voice as she joined Lucy & Roifield at the recording which opens with the live rendition of Dum Tee Dum.
Lucy gave us her usual brilliant dissection of the week’s events. There are cast contributions; some special Shambridge inserts; plus a range of celebratory calls, comments and emails.
What prevents more people calling? Shyness shouts the lady in the audience! In contrast Shambridge revealed some nervousness at talking to a microphone without a script!
80 minutes of fun to be heard. No prior DTD, the Archers or podcast listening experience needed.
On this week’s episode we have calls from:
Sarah who wants Ursula to unzip her body suit,
Tiffananda who loves Brian
Witherspoon who wonders who the Hilary Clinton of Ambridge is
Vicky Cole who wants a home birth rant
Andrew Horne who says hurrah for Henry
New York Nigel, Blithe Spirit, Andrew White, Felistee, Jacqueline Bertho, Aunty Jean, Susan Rae who are just generally lovely!
And a special message from a caller in South Africa.