Does Anyone Else think Bruce might be another Rob

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    Tom WilliamsTom Williams

    Alright do i know we’ve seen him once but if not to Wildly assume
    What else can we do

    I was intrigued by how submissive Ursula (Who might i remind you was Dominant over Rob)

    I Just got the impression 9f a titchner Line of control
    With Bruce at the helm

    Oh and Hi btw first time poster if i’ve messed up and posted wrong forgive me

    Ms BubblesMs Bubbles

    I have no doubt about it. Bruce is an abuser. He didn’t have one positive thing to say to Ursula. Even though she is a cow, she is in distress with her son severely injured. He could have said something encouraging but he just kept putting her down. He was nasty about the hospital staff who had the nerve to attend to other patients. The only explanation I have for his bizarre visit to Tony and Pat is that he felt out of control in the hospital and had to get somewhere where he could control the situation.

    Sue GedgeKatieKing

    Yes, Bruce is an abusive type all right! So Ursula, although awful in many ways, is also a victim, and Rob, either by nature or nurture, or a combination of both, takes after Bruce.

    Tom WilliamsTom Williams

    That was what I thought
    Rob exists as he is because thats what fathers do in his mind.

    I want us to meet Miles i think he might turn out to be a decent bloke who evidently got away

    Tom WilliamsTom Williams

    I also detected and air of Sexism around him
    He seemed rather dismissive of the “Woman Doctor” who gave him an update

    Sue GedgeKatieKing

    I think so, too. Much older men used to say ‘Lady doctor’ and that seemed old-fashioned but respectful, but ‘woman doctor’ sounds disparaging. Plus Bruce resented the medical staff looking after other patients while ‘his son’ was ‘lying butchered in the corner’.

    Claire HowardClaire Howard

    Hi all,

    First time poster. I have only just discovered Dumteedum and am addicted.

    I have a theory that Miles will turn up as the one that overcame the abusive family. He will make an appearance as a witness for the defence and talk about his fathers long term abuse of Ursula, Rob and himself and also testify that Rob abused his first wife. Miles will save the day, along with Henry’s testimony.



    Miles will turn up as the one that overcame the abusive family. He will make an appearance as a witness for the defence

    Excellent theory, to which I’d like to add my inkling that Miles is gay, hence Rob’s blatant homophobia (apologies if this has already been mentioned elsewhere on the forum).

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    Diana HolmesDiana Holmes

    Yes I have bee n thinking miles may have been one of robs earliest victims. I also wonder whether rob has honed his ‘skills’ in his previous relationships with other women, in which case they may come forward to testify against him in due course.

    Chris LowisChris Lowis

    There is a (rather bleak) poem by Philip Larkin that I have been referencing for some months with regard to this storyline…

    “They f*ck you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

    But they were f*cked up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,
    Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

    Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
    Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself.”
    ― Philip Larkin

    …all of which bodes really well for Henry, of course.


    It would make sense that if Rob was the Golden Child in the family and allowed/encouraged to get away with murder. Bruce clearly is at best an old school “head of the family” sort and has very fixed ideas about women should be at home looking after the family and men should be the wage earner. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if worked in a job where he got private health care as a perk and therefore having to actually visit his son in the local NHS ITU is a bit of a comedown let alone having to deal with women doctors.

    What if Ursula had prospects prior to getting married and just got worn down over the years so now is in a place where she is just trying not to be a scapegoat herself. (I’m not saying she isn’t a bit of a snob but Bruce is just too awful)

    Miss Mid-CityMiss Mid-City

    I don’t think Bruce might be another Rob; but I do think Rob might be another Bruce.

    Actually, the way they’ve been depicted, I think we’re supposed to blame both the parents here.

    As Chris Lowis indicates, Rob seems to be the living embodiment of something very like “This be the verse”.

    Tom WilliamsTom Williams

    I worded it like i did becauae we’ve known rob longer than bruce

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