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    Any predictions regarding who will tell Justin / how will he find out about Lilian’s lies? I think she will be the one to admit it to him.

    marie ingerfatffriend

    I suspect Matt will be involved somehow. Do you catch a whiff of sulphur when he appears? It is not so much his eviltude, but that he seems to have a supernatural ability to turn up at unlikely times and places and to know stuff we can only guess at how he knows. Normally assertive characters seem to fall for his stories and to let him have his way.

    Rachel TolhurstRachel Tolhurst

    @fatfriend you have a point there, Matt does seem to have Justin bugged or something.

    You could question if he wants Lilian back or just to upset Justin. He did sound like he loved her when fell off her horse.

    I’m gripped by the triangle.

    Rachel TolhurstRachel Tolhurst

    Oh and Justin bullied her into him buying the house AND he wants her business. What’s that about?

    marie ingerfatffriend

    Rachel, will Lillian be so royally ripped off by Justin that Matt seems good by comparison?

    Rachel TolhurstRachel Tolhurst

    Matt is great EXCEPT he stole her money and who knows what’s going on when th the house ownership…?

    marie ingerfatffriend

    Do they all three lie reflexively? Oh what a tangled web we weave….. I don’t see why Lilian didn’t say to Adam that she didn’t know about the special meal Justin had cooked and that she had eaten with a friend in Cheltenham. Pointless lie is sure to be found out!

    Glyn FulleloveGlyn Fullelove

    Sorry. Just bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored by this story line now. I like Lillian as a character, but I really don’t care now whether she gets married to Justin, Matt or Phil the Builder.

    Claire AstburyClaire Astbury

    Oi, Glynn! She best keep her mitts off Philip the builder, he’s mine. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Purple PumpkinPurple Pumpkin

    I Thought there was some scope for Adam and Lils to have a proper conversation about how it feels to love two men at once, and how to make a choice and stick to it. After all, Adam was in the exactly analogous position with Charlie and Ian. But instead we just had minimal interaction and some soapy tropeyness


    I agree Purple Pumpkin! Adam is just so bitter about it all. He is most likely correct that Matt is just going to ruin things, but they really could have spent some time commiserating about this very painful conundrum they both know so well

    marie ingerfatffriend

    How I wish that Shula had driven past Matt at speed, splashing him with as much mud as possible. Feeling as she does, how did she let herself be manipulated so obviously? ‘That’s not very Christian of you.’; really!

    marie ingerfatffriend

    Will P C Burns solve the hit and run, or is he still too busy on the case of the stolen bunting?


    I reckon PC Burns will throw Justin in the slammer. Itโ€™ll come out that he went to the pub to see Matt but lied about it. Itโ€™s about time there was another dramatic story now weโ€™ve recovered from EvilWobโ€™nโ€™Ellen.

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