Hedli Niklaus gives us some wonderful stories of The Archers as Robert and Roifield pose some listener questions – and some of the answers are below. Edited by Kosmo.
Dusty Substances :
Opens the show with some very nice words about Hedli (and the missing Kathy) running “Archers Addicts”
Witherspoon :
Hi, Witherspoon here, texting in early because I actually have patients to see later on. So this is more of a comment about Kathy than a question. I never knew “Happy Kathy.” Once I started listening to The Archers a lot of bad things had already happened to Kathy and she was always forlorn, clinically dysthymic (persistent depressive disorder). So I must admit it became a chore to listen to her; but it seems so silly for her to be gone for so long, always just off stage left. And what a treat it’s been listening to Hedli, who is so funny and brilliant, as distinct from Kathy as one could be. So, I do hope that Kathy returns soon with a storyline filled with much joy!
Would like Jamie back – what has he been doing?
jacqbertho :
Hedli sounds more like Kathy tonight, unlike when Roifield did the special
missinissy :
Hi all, I have some questions if you get a chance to ask them. 1 Kathy was noticeably absent during the Rob storyline, what affect would Kathy being present have had on the story? 2. I recall Jamie was doing tree surgery unless I am mistaken, what do you think he would have made of his life up until this point? 3. Would Kathy be in another relationship by now? Thankyou
Hedli :
She would have supported Pat as friends do. And Kathy gets to call Kenton a “sanctimonius git” and “stupid”.
JedAndWhite :
The synopsis on the BBC site says you saved a young Adam Macy when he was bitten by an adder…. What other decisions should Kathy regret?
Hedli :
Being kind to Owen the chef. Then she calls Martin Gibson a bully – when he was simply instructing her to do her job properly – that is not bullying.
JedAndWhite :
Where’s the bunting?
Hedli :
Kathy knows where it is and refuses to reveal the location.
missinissy :
We all want Kathy back, what storylines would allow this to happen?
Hedli :
Probably something simple – chatting to Roy and Lynda and Ian.