Time for our everyday story of podcasting folk. Robert is slowly recovering from his bruised pubis and we heard nothing about his possible speeding offence. This week however he decided to fall down some stone steps at work and has had to complete health and safety forms. Meanwhile Lucy has no heating and it is only 2 deg (presumably centigrade) inside her house. Robert explained (mansplained even?) how to fill a hot water bottle from a kettle to keep warm and Lucy decided that as there was only one hot water bottle she was having it and the kids could get into their cold beds (strange way to spend half term but never mind).
Well it was all more fun than anything happening in Ambridge where the departing editor had sunk to particularly EastEnder levels of shouting with echoes of the Queen Vic coming through loud and clear from Walford. What happened to shade and light? Refinement? And particularly the strong women of Ambridge who have driven the story lines for the last 25 years until derailed by Rob and the even more unspeakable Justin.
Why oh why can we not have balanced responsible men and women with consistent characterisation and an adult approach to each other and alcohol – clearly something is going to happen to Alice given the way it has been signposted. Talking of signposts the speed watch team appears to have been disbanded since Matt got splatted – presumably because it achieved the desired result of an accident in the village. (I am talking about Ambridge now and not the podcast of course!).
Finally reports abound that a new Godhead has been appointed – for once with a true radio background and excellent drama knowledge. Hopefully he can get undertake some proper editing – after all why has Brian had his car serviced twice in three months – an extremely short period between services.
On this week’s episode, we hear views from JoJo Sexy Heels, Blithe Spirit, Witherspoon, Madison, Helen and Lesley.