The entrails of drug attitudes by residents in Ambridge are shamelessly examined as the hypocrisy appears widespread. Who remembers Kate and her involvement with drug takers? Judging by her middle aged attitude over Noluthando she has completely forgotten her own experiments about 20 years ago. Shula’s verbal incontinence over Alastair’s gambling was in my opinion both unbelievable and unlikely. Andrew and Lucy (in hiding in deepest darkest Devon in a converted barn) make it clear that they have no time for druggies.
It was also delightful when Kate realised that she had engineered the sale of her own roof from under her. The bets on her recanting over the sale of land are growing. Alongside this it was a surprise when Roy actually stood up for himself.
Personally I think the silent solicitor helping Freddie was not helping him at all. Given the evidence Freddie should have stuck to no comment throughout and Toby should have known better than to admit to anything. I think the chances of Lizzie losing her licence like that are pretty limited. There is only an allegation of a supply of drugs – no proof. Immediate revocation of the licence is pretty unlikely.
And for those who want a reminder of Anthony Head in action here is the very first Gold Blend advert:
Social media is also pretty busy – Yokel Bear gives a good roundup.
This week we hear from Vicky, Auntie Jean, Maeve, Andrew and Dusty.