Ruth attracts Lucy’s ire this week with her full on sulk over Pip’s success in the grandma money stakes, as Lucy points out it is simply not good parenting to be so jealous of a daughter’s good fortune! Reminder Home Farm is about 1500 acres, Brookfield is 469 acres, Bridge Farm is 172 acres, whilst there are 50 acres attached to Grange Farm and Berrow Estate is 1020 acres. Does Brookfield really have a few unproductive acres which could be re-wilded? Or the other farms – to find 240 acres let alone 400? For any farm to hand over a significant acreage will change the farm economics out of all recognition.
Personal observation: Peggy told Brookfield that they were a close second in the overall contest. I am willing to wager good money that all of short listed contestants were told this so when Ambridge stops going wild, the five will all believe that they are going to get the money as “runner up”!
Between callers Lucy and Roifield undertake one of their well known and spectacular diversions to discuss why girls are performing so well in the education stakes these days and boys are no longer driving top performance. Inevitably it is complex but women can now achieve rewards not really available to earlier generations so they are seeking to maximise every opportunity. I suspect the male members of the population do not have the same urge or drive to attain great results and are not inspired by teachers.
Roifield’s life has been a misery but he now knows that a zloty is worth about 21p and are the Polich currency! He apologised for his error.
And at least the ghost was properly explained by Oliver!
On this week’s episode, we hear views from Claire, Paul, Witherspoon, Mady and Vicky.
Hello. I’m a first time writer-inerer. I was interested in the comment about Tracey becoming Oliver Sterling’s new love interest & possible chatelaine of Gay Grables.
That would NOT go down with Susan – who prides herself in being the most successful/socially acceptable Horrobin! Regards