I spent a good half of this podcast thinking “whoosh” when Lucy mentioned Philip Schofield leaving a broom cupboard rapidly in the “Week in Ambridge” unless he had intruded on Boris Becker enjoying a blow job (which usually involves a lot of sucking). This appeared along with crinolines, the crocodile in Peter Pan, a real German resident and warning noises from defibrillators in this week’s podcast. Eventually all became clear as the joke was explained and of course he did spend a long time in a link room cabin earlier in his career.
There was a need for cross over in two other stories this week. Jakult should have made use of teat sealant rather than relying on three condoms as he normally does. As Johnny would say “Isn’t teat sealant wonderful?”.
Kate’s inability to take a hint at any level continues to amaze and we all look forward to Jakult being the excellent father which she has predicted being an elderly mother like her own mother was with Alice, who is the one who really ought to be pregnant.
Roifield claims victory over Philip and his money this week when Gavin retold the school nickname story when things were tough financially. Given his xbox addiction, I was surprised that Kelly had not brought him home to his father sooner.
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