Quentin Rayner and Rosie Porty are alongside Roifield this week as we settle down to listen to another Archers podcast having avoided being seduced by couches or cider sheds which are appalling trip hazards invented to subvert the podverse.
Trazzer is re-instated and Jade gets dumped on her birthday. Frankly Jade’s peanut trick was a step too far and was her death warrant on her first appearance. Somewhat strangely I don’t think the writers or listeners have the faintest idea how or why Kirsty has managed to hang on to her house in Beechwood so that she can rent it out or sell it; I know The Archers is always vague on these details but the discussion around this made less sense than a chocolate teapot – which reminds me that I still have an Easter Egg to consume.
Rioja. Some years ago staying in Playa de Mogan following dinner we would retire to a small wine bar on the corner of the marina and consume a bottle whilst watching the world go by. One evening the postman was in and out of the various apartments delivering post and packages. A little later he re-appeared as the local bin man emptying all the rubbish bins along the side of the marina. Obviously a man of many talents.
Listener suggestion this evening is that Lily should undertake an upgrade and move on from Russ to Rex. The original Rex I would agree. The current relentless moaner landless farmer incarnation is not a patch on Russ who is at least mercifully silent most of the time.
This week’s Dumteedum is from Rob Pushkin and on this week’s episode we hear from Witherspoon, Cheryl, Claire from Clapham Nathalie, Mia, Emily and Isabelle