DTD: 242 – Listening to the Archers over the din of others

Another stunning exposition from Lucy on the events in Ambridge this week including quotes from the biblical book of Ambridge. So I looked up Wikipedia and found this: “A Shulamite is a person from Shulem. It is the ascription given to the female protagonist in the Song of Songs in the Hebrew Bible. In the King James Version and other Bibles, it is the Song of Solomon or Canticle of Canticles.” Meanwhile the question of consent between the sexes is pretty obvious when a woman asks a man (as Roifield observes the man never says no). However only a couple […]

DTD: 241 – Henry Archer guns, karate and community police officers

This week in the Archers seemed a little uneven – absolutely stunning piece towards the end where it looked like Lizzie might get Lily to see something approaching sense and then used an inappropriate choice of words and Lily shut the door with an almighty bang! At the other extreme it was not immediately obvious why Tracy Horrobin turned up trying to con a viewing of Home Farm or posh drugs when all drug dealing is far from posh. The comedy storyline at the moment though is clearly the dunderheads at Bridge Farm who having sold the coos down the […]

DTD: 240 – Are we being too harsh on Elizabeth and is Russ for real?

Double take this week. Do you all remember when we used to have background music underpinning DumTeeDum and after some complaints Roifield gracefully conceded that it was better without? Now he and Lucy are complaining about the background music on The Archers. Lucy points out that Lily is simply being a stupid 18 year old teenager. Meanwhile Freddie has broken the law. And yet Lizzie is rewarding Freddie and laughing about Lily with him. It is simply wrong. Freddie is where he is because of the parent. We are seeing terrible unevenness in my view in Lily’s behaviour. One week […]

DTD: 239 – I’m not lactose intolerant I’m Helen Archer intolerant.

The title of this post is a bit of a give away to the main subject under discussion – Helen and her total inability to actually parent her two children. By the way Henry is not the spawn of the Devil – that was Jack – but at the moment Henwee really is beyond the pail and I can only blame the only parent he has hanging around – Helen. Hot summer – able to roam the farm all day long – he cannot possibly be bored – the writers have no understanding of bringing up a child on a […]

DTD: 238 – Lilly comes clean and was the Archers any good last week?

Lucy & Roifield have organised a dumteedum weekend bash to precede the session at Birmingham Town Hall on 7 October. Get booking. Hannah was the subject of speculation this week. No interest in men & flirting with Fallon. Does this demonstrate the way she inclines? Lucy has been listening to Health & Safety podcasts this week, I rather think as she (impersonating Helen) instructs Henry on the finer points of refusing to use violence on a football, although taking a knife to your husband for no good reason is marginally less reprehensible. Of course the real star this week was […]

DTD: 237 – What was the point of that Llama plot?

Naked Fingers gets off to a great start with premature ejaculation, sorry laughter, by reading the jokes before Lucy can express them. His eyes are faster than Lucy’s mouth. Vicky Cole recanted on her comments last week on Lizzie as she has now decided that she was completely wrong after the appalling way Lizzie treated her daughter – forgetting to ask after her results was simply a step too far. The week encompassed the wedding of Harrison and Fallon. Fly on the wall documentaries seem to have a law relating to nuptials that require something to go wrong; in TA […]

DTD: 236 – Freddie, Lilly and Lizzie with a little Nescafe Gold Blend

The entrails of drug attitudes by residents in Ambridge are shamelessly examined as the hypocrisy appears widespread. Who remembers Kate and her involvement with drug takers? Judging by her middle aged attitude over Noluthando she has completely forgotten her own experiments about 20 years ago. Shula’s verbal incontinence over Alastair’s gambling was in my opinion both unbelievable and unlikely. Andrew and Lucy (in hiding in deepest darkest Devon in a converted barn) make it clear that they have no time for druggies. It was also delightful when Kate realised that she had engineered the sale of her own roof from […]

DTD: 235 Robin Fairbrother returns and other Ambridge goings on

Despite Lucy covering two weeks in the village having gone missing last week it must be the holiday period as Naked Fingers has re-appeared allowing Roifield presumably to continue his recovery from the major party we know he was planning in last week’s DTD for his parents. I hope all went well with the celebrations. If you listen to us then please join the live line up on Sunday 7 October 2018 in Birmingham: https://www.thsh.co.uk/event/dumteedum-live Keri might even give something away! You can buy Roifield and Lucy a drink (in the pub later I expect). Plus observe the beauty of […]

DTD: 234 – Shambridge does Ambridge after a big up on the Beeb!

Lucy is away and Harriet Carmichael (Shambridges) joins Roifield to discuss last week in Ambridge.  Lily is the subject of early discussion as her pile of lies continues to grow; Harriet feels Elizabeth will be really disappointed when she finds out Lily is not a lesbian! Harriet is time limited so they soon get down to it – with the callerinerers – not each other. Then they start talking about swinging, following that with a discussion of pregnancies; this podcast covers everything. There are doubts that Home Farm will be sold; it feels like the Brookfield story all over again.  […]

DTD: 233 – Taking your bra off and relaxing to a box set

Lucy gets both a cottage pie and a venison pasty into Joe’s trousers whilst taking off her bra to provide the ferret pocket early in this week’s podcast. All seems a bit surreal to me or perhaps the Russians are wrecking the Internet? Just to answer Andrew, I am pretty sure that some time ago Josh did tell his parents that he was not going to go to Uni at any point, I have a feeling he actually lied about the gap year to them. Lucy predicts that the Aldridge will be neighbours to Emma and Ed Grundy on the […]