DTD: 185 – Charlotte Martin on Susan Carter’s 35 years in The Archers

Roifield talks to Charlotte Martin about Susan’s time in The Archers. They talk about her joining the programme, her time in prison, being asked to go on Kilroy; failing to bond with Christopher when he was born with hare lip; struggling to make Neil ‘better himself’; appearing in Calendar Girls, the photo shoot in Radio Times… and chili…

DTD: 184 – Boring snoring Ian and Adam and Camp Coffee news!

Roifield and Lucy at play with the Dumteedummers again this week.  Lots of exploding kefir, unhappy Adam and Ian who are rarely the most exciting couple in Honeysuckle Cottage let alone Ambridge.  It struck me that the whole adoption story should have run five or more years ago before the Titchener nonsense.  In all honesty that man did a lot of damage to the Borsetshire space time continuum. Also Naked Fingers gets referenced for baring other parts of his body – highly revealing.  The Sussex Shepherd reappears as does Dusty Substances whilst apart from materialising with Millie Belle Witherspoon does […]

DTD: 183 – Kefir and a drunk Alice

Lucy’s monologue assures us that Emmur’s youngest is now called Kefira by Soosan. Also Lucy was as amazed as us listeners when we heard that ferrets running riot, Lynda reading Tropic of Cancer on reception, Roy abusing any guests with a slight tan and the health club being run by the local eco-activist who is never there are examples of best practice likely to be adopted by any hotel chain, let alone an Accomplished one. Oliver’s wishes for selling Gay Grables in aspic does seem to be a little unreasonable and likely to put off future customers. Brian is importing […]

DTD: 182 – Emma’s housing dreams

Nice to hear them, for us to hear them nice. We start with meetings.  The happy Angela (no middle initial) Barnes, still in Edinburgh, has met Glyn Fullelove’s daughter who is looking after her very well.  I have to say that last week’s monologue was better than this week’s. Roifield then asked for guidance on the Carter children when growing up – but I do not recall much antagonism between them although Chris’s cleft palate meant Emma felt she was being overlooked.  More seriously they have forgotten that Emma is an internet whizz – she would be pinterest and not […]

DTD: 181 – Emma’s and Ed’s stirring speeches – This is Ambridge!

I am listening this week whilst walking dog of the week. Lucy entertains as she reveals that her phone has introduced a new character to The Archers called hummus which turns out to be a spell corrected Jimmus. Roifield would like more nu-Kate whose success story with Spiritual Home and interaction with anyone outside her family is being completely ignored. Aunty Jean gave Lucy a right telling off as well as noting Kirsty’s near elevation to sainthood as she fits more good work in a week than most people do in a year. On social media Yokel Bear has been […]

DTD: 180 – Lillian lathers her loofah

Naked Fingers leads off this episode before Lucy’s stunning monologue which really was a lot better than last week’s monologue! Naked Fingers is less complimentary – but blames the alcohol he is consuming – which more impact on his mouth than we might expect when it comes head rerrings! Excuse me what is this bit about me being boring? Not the first I have been savaged on air by Lucy! Then Naked Fingers says they love all their listeners! The ups and downs at The Stables are discussed – once again the impact of EastEnders and raised voices is overlooked […]

DTD: 179 – Jill Archer arrested in flapjack assault

Roifield is Roifield again this week whilst Angela Barnes is in Edinburgh busy preparing for Fortitude and has been unable to shoehorn writing a monologue onto the week. Where is Lucy? We should be told. They discuss alcoholics and name Jack Archer and Darrell but overlook George Barford who was rescued from his addiction by the long forgotten Nora McAuley.  Morris the butcher has mentioned losing his business due to addiction, but that may have been gambling. Lots of discussion of Jill this week and the generally expressed view is favourable.  Whilst her current protest is reasonable given her history […]

DTD: 178 – Oliver loses his head and a jug is smashed

Angela Barnes is standing or more likely sitting in for Lucy for this week and delivers a super monologue of the week. Hay Bales sing the DumTeeDum and also call in later but they have clearly not read my guide for first time callers on our website.  Who are you Hay?  Angela was led astray from discussing The Archers by Roifield who wanted to know about one of her dates and toothpaste but the story of Colgate is that it never happened. I would fear for Roifield’s life as he preferred this week’s monologue to last week’s. As Angela will […]

DTD: 177 – Caroline remembered

Robert Wilson leads off this week by bursting two tyres in Wales – and he thanks the helpful residents of Nantmor.  Derek has been investigating fermented foods from his compost heap.  Just in case you think that The Archers is all made up the musical “Hair” is being revived this year with a new immersive production.  I assume immersive means the audience are underwater – see this: https://www.londontheatre.co.uk/theatre-news/news/new-immersive-production-of-hair-to-run-at-the-vaults-in-london  Will Lucy be going? Discussion of Caroline’s death dominates this week’s podcast for obvious reasons.  I would like my say.  Throughout her village existence Caroline followed her heart; she might not be religious, […]

DTD: 176 – The over privileged Phoebe and the hatefully sexist Will Grundy

Following the DumTeeDum from Toronto Shambridges delivers a wonderful eulogy on the subject of smoke detectors in recognition of our new sponsor ADT! Surprisingly after a week off Roifield is struggling with the script this week, obviously out of practice.  He then admits to being 48.  He does not understand the problem of Lilian revealing her age – particularly to an intended husband.  Then there is a suggestion that a contributor may have been under the ‘fluence after celebrating Bastille Day!  I think it is Roifield as part of his contribution is obliterated with music! Little support for Will this […]