DTD 134: The Last of the long episodes and Emerald O’hanrahan interviewed

Heard whilst flying the Atlantic this was another special week for the podcast with a contribution from Edmund King OBE of the Archers Automobile Association. Certainly friends in high places. Emma, Warrior Princess, is in discussion with Lucy over her character development on The Archers in recent years. Fascinating listen.  Clearly Emerald who plays Emma is very keen on the role and The Archers in general. Lucy, with the intention of easing Roifield’s workload has declared some limits will be placed on calls with the aim of keeping the podcast length under control and to avoid duplication.  After all our […]

DTD: 133 Isobel Middleton and another long show but its a good one!

Soosan is coming to DumteeDum soon – place your questions via Speakpipe. Big podcast this week – short summary.  Lucy covers 75 minutes in 5 high speed laugh stuffed minutes, “potting the black” in fine style as she revisits the Ambridge week. Isobel Middleton revealed that she has had Shaun Keaveney in her bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.  Plus much more from Roifield’s favourite barista, correction barrister; she cannot make Camp coffee! Kosmo in Falmouth Cape Cod On this week’s episode we have calls from Blithe Spirit who’s leading the pro-Emma charge Witherspoon who wants to know why everyone hates couples […]

DTD: 132 – Shorter and leaner with a super mean iTunes review

Roifield and Lucy start going faster but it does not last.  Luckily Lucy has the hips for line dancing according to Roifield which might keep things moving along.  Lucy has also been on a cheese making course and it is really hard work she says and reflects your state of mind when it is made.  Photos are promised. Joe Grundy is nearly 96 you know and he is planning to live forever.  Lucy thinks Sticky Fingers sounds like a posher version of Rob.  Spin off video game – Rob and the Zombie Apocalypse in Ambridge – suggested by Bye Bye […]

DTD 131 – Paul Trueman and the testimonies of survivors of abuse – Refuge

We talk to Paul Trueman about his Just Giving Campaign that has raised over £200, 000 for Refuge and listen to comments on his page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/helentitchener

Ep: 130 – The longest Dumteedum ever, from here on in it’s one hour folks

After a blockbuster Archers Omnibus, Lucy and Roifield deliver a blockbuster length DumTeeDum, coming in at over two hours not helped by Lucy having to explain snowdrops and Shaftesbury to Roifield. Lucy observes that Rob’s truth addiction makes Jeffrey Archer looks like a harsh realist. She then went on to note how upset Ian was with Adam entering so many gentlemen’s buttonholes. Joe, William, Eddie and George all seem to come from different parts of the country even though they all grew up in the same village. Lucy has a new hat as health and safety advisor pointing out that […]

Ep: 129 – Support for victims of abuse

We talk to Moriah Cohen, Sexual Assault Program Coordinator, from the Mount Sinai West and St. Luke’s Hospitals NYC

Ep: 128 – The Trial!

Lucy painted an alternative portrait of the week (including Sunday’s jury discussions) outside Ambridge; packed with more jokes than there were jurors. Also far more villagers in the court than reported by the original microphones. More calls than ever as this phase of the story climaxes. Some were made before the verdict and some afterwards – so it is mixed bag of predictions and celebrations as the callerinerers reflect on an extra lengthy week nearly all from the Crown Court. Roifield also salutes the departing editor and in the sense that as editor he has garnered an immense number of […]

The facts behind rape – we talk to Moriah Cohen

Domestic abuse in UK: Will affect 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men in their lifetime Leads to, on average, two women being murdered each week and 30 men per year Accounts for 16% of all violent crime (Source: Crime in England and Wales 04/05 report), however it is still the violent crime least likely to be reported to the police Has more repeat victims than any other crime (on average there will have been 35 assaults before a victim calls the police) Is the single most quoted reason for becoming homeless (Shelter, 2002) In 2010 the Forced […]

DTD: 126-new Sara Thornton joins Roifield and Lucy at the start of Helen’s trial

Sara Thornton, BBC forecaster, joined our hosts this week; well to be accurate she joined Roifield to discuss weather forecasting – it transpires that our resident cartographer can define an isobar!  Sara has been a forecaster for 15 years but an even longer Archers listener. Sara finds the callers are good at highlighting and reminding her of the Ambridge events and having been an expatriate shares sympathies with Jan from Can! Kosmo says he is not totally against issues but feels they should be driven by the characters (as Bethany would have done had she remained) rather than being generated […]

DTD: 125 – Lots of Archers stuff to talk about

Vicky Cole opened DumTeeDum this week which is episode 125 and baking with Soggy Bottoms were discussed before The Archers.  Lucy was up to date this week and lightly dashed through the sex, alcohol and poaching which have usurped most of the Rob storyline.  It was a real cross village week. The Order of John Archer, DumTeeDiddlers & Dumtydogs (and mogs if you must) are all reinstated this week courtesy of the new Social Media Manager, Laura Jackson.  “Timelord” flaky Roifield is an Antrobus, Lucy (who refuses to be the “companion”) is concerned to be a Snell.  Kosmo got downgraded from “Master” […]