Helen stabs Rob, The Archers just got real!

Roifield and Lucy normally try to avoid events on Sunday evening when they record on a Monday morning but this week the allegedly momentous happenings are covered in forensic detail. So spoilers for this week appear below. Although the sound of the knife dropping to the floor was missed the rest is covered with every bloody fingerprint examined. Well written, well performed and the sound effects team are almost given a Roifield clap. What lets the side down Roifield explains in measured and certain terms is that within The Archers universe this was the wrong ending. As he points out […]

DTD – 103 Helen lets rip, Bert is lonely and talk of Kanye West

This summary was conceived in Auckland! Whilst this podcast may be about The Archers our hosts never feel constrained so with Lucy powered by Gusto this week the following get name checks or more: Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Amy Winehouse, Eric Gill whose alleged sexual proclivities do not alter his ability to design a typeface. Lucy then went Baskerville Gothic. As ever callers impress with the range & clarity of their knowledge & I can now report on farming in New Zealand having had a chance to look at farms in both islands. Millie Belle avoids the subject of rain […]

DTD – Ep 102 – A cocksure talk of all things Ambridge

Goddess Deeva by proxy who’s fed up with Pip, Vicky from Cambridge who finally sees the point of Carol Toboggan Andrew Horne who’s learned a lot Felistee and Jo Jo Sexy Heels who can both see attempted murder and Witherspoon who was surprised by George

DTD – 101 – Helen’s beat down

G’ day from Uluru. Bit late on parade this week as our perambulations continue. Aunty Jean wants your spit for good reason and Roifield says a bong never hurt anyone. Lucy makes an Easter prediction which I doubt will happen as I do not think Helen can do anything without Henry – she could not leave her son with Rob. Listen to the podcast to find out what happens, according to Lucy, whilst the village hall opening is in progress (not Lower Loxley). Glyn Fullelove started talking about belly buttons for some reason – my hearing was distorted by plane […]

100 Not out

Happy 100 The podcast provided a unique opportunity to hear Shambridges real voice as she joined Lucy & Roifield at the recording which opens with the live rendition of Dum Tee Dum. Lucy gave us her usual brilliant dissection of the week’s events. There are cast contributions; some special Shambridge inserts; plus a range of celebratory calls, comments and emails. What prevents more people calling? Shyness shouts the lady in the audience! In contrast Shambridge revealed some nervousness at talking to a microphone without a script! 80 minutes of fun to be heard. No prior DTD, the Archers or podcast […]

DTD 99 Almost a Hundred

This week is Lucy’s week as she follows up Rottweiler like on the now poor handling of events at Blossom Hill Cottage. As my gran used to say, least said; soonest mended. It is very sad that having been handled so well in the build up, the denouement is being handled so crassly. Mooving on, Lucy says Toby sent Kirsty her Valentine’s card and that Phoebe probably one to Roy; definitely not Hayley or Lizzie. Lucy also says that Lilian should not be running herself down. And so long as men do not get in Lucy’s way she likes having […]

DTD – 98 Pantomime Villians

Roifield returns as the straight guy to guide Lucy through the comical world of a week in Ambridge; unbearable Ursula sleeping in a nonexistent bedroom at Blossom Hill Cottage, wacky baccy Wayne baking at the Bull, Bert the builder & his egg-mobile barouche, Johnny and his chick collection plus Brookfield at Borchester market. Ro.i.field feels Lucy should stop worrying about how quickly Ed recovered from his crack cocaine addiction; Roifield also likes “Brief Encounter” because it has resonances for him whilst Lucy retains her non-belief in romance of any description. Lucy even dreams about the Archers these days with Helen […]

DTD – 97 Yokel Bear takes control

Sitting in for Roifield this week is Yokel Bear who hails from a modest Thames Valley town that shall not be named; Jasper Fforde has magnificently recorded the environs and those curious to know more should look online. Another majestic performance from a new presenter. And Lucy seems to welcome changed company in Derek’s back bedroom. This was recorded before the thrilling developments on Friday when Rob taught Henry about obedience and so, in line with my usual summary approach, that storyline will not be mentioned again too much. However, Yokel Bear has listened to proceedings this week and is […]

Dum Tee Dum 96 – Paul Trueman and the Just Giving campaign for Helen Titchener.

We interview Paul Trueman about the Just Giving campaign for Helen Titchener. https://www.justgiving.com/helentitchener Podcast guest this week is Paul Trueman, a 10 year listener, who was “switched on” to the real life abuse suffered by Helen Walmsley-Johnson writing in the New Statesman together with Helen Titchener’s failure to get an afternoon out with Henry (which is lucky as no steam railways are running midweek at this time of year – so he would not have had a ride). Paul set up a “Rescue Helen” fund on Just Giving with the money raised going to Refuge. At the time of writing […]

Dum Tee Dum 95 – Sorry its late

This week we heard a number of new callerinerers rising out of lurkdom and contributing to the discussions and provoking comments from our hosts. Not all of them disclosed their real life occupation. But many dumteedogs were named. Meanwhile the steady repatterning of activities in the village means that we are moving back in the direction of characters leading the action with issues hopefully being relegated to a lesser level. For example the wedding story reminding us of Emma’s insecurities and demonstrating Kirsty’s ability to cope with almost anything which arises. This is where The Archers should be and we […]