Not the highlight of this week is Lucy’s phone alarm going off in the middle of the podcast – we all want to know what it was for! The real highlight of the week is a visit from Susie Riddell who was once Kate Aldridge and returned to the village as Tracy Horrobin when she finally spoke a couple of years ago. She paints a picture of what Tracy might look like and looks forward to chasing the next single man to appear in the village.
Oddly our hosts seem keen on the descent to EastEnder levels of shouting which happened at Brookfield as David and Ruth sought to defend the indefensible. Speaking personally if they use the term bio-security once more I will scream. How can they even support bio-security when they participate in Farm Sunday? The entire story has been put together by someone who clearly knows the buzzwords and does not know how a farm is run.
Later I was completely lost in Map Corner as Roifield sought to explain why he thought a podcast on maps was not a great idea and then promptly discussed a number of maps. None of the maps helped me find my way.
And finally Lucy claimed that she was the alpha male in this podcast principally because she only ever communicated with Roifield about work. He sounded quite hurt at the removal of his round objects. (Well you would).
This week’s Dumteedum comes from Dusty substances!
On this week’s episode we have calls from
Philip Townley who wants to miss a meeting
Bye Bye Steve who thinks Brian and Tom are in a gang
Witherspoon who thinks Toby’s suffering from pride and prejudice
Goddess Deeva who’s just realised Justin’s a boy.