Early hilarity here when it becomes clear that Lucy confuses her Polish and Bulgarian false accents when allocating Lexi to the wrong EU country. Perhaps it is a good thing we are leaving Europe! Given the years it took Neil to become a manager I am surprised that Johnny was offered the chance to manage veg at Bridge Farm, unless that includes all of the human residents as well?
It appears Dusty Substances is not alone in liking the annual panto débâcle – support all over Twitter apparently. Kathy is the current day Prue Forrest – oft seen in the distance but whose voice is never close enough to the microphones, at least until the job can be covered by Judi Dench.
Roifield wants to know the future character arc for Oliver as his prediction that Oliver Sterling was bound to depart the village was clearly and entirely wrong! Oliver’s financial position seems to have resolved itself. Lucy is still predicting “Appy Christmas Puss Cat”; for Lucy’s benefit 22 December is the Friday episode and it will be followed by Christmas Eve which is traditionally when Bridge Farm decorates the tree.
Adam and Ian as parents raises concerns – they both work long hours, Adam has early mornings, Ian late into the night – where will they find suitable child care or is one of them going to have work either part time or not at all? Will all of this be properly discussed with the adoption authorities, although an email contributor has highlighted the dangers ahead.
And Roifield you can contact Camp coffee at https://www.campcoffeeclub.co.uk/#/
This week’s Dumteedum is from the splendid people who attended the Archers quiz on Friday, which was splendid.
On this week’s episode we have views from
Chris from Manchester who can see the Return of the Matt
Glyn who thinks Johnnie at Home Farm will be a disaster
Witherspoon who thinks Adam and Ian will make a happy family