The podcast opens this week with proper recognition of the contribution of the late Colin Skipp who played Tony Archer from 1967 to 2013 when sadly ill health meant he could not continue. Tony was, I believe, the first baby Archer born during the series in 1951 but Colin was much older having been born in 1939 and newspaper reports from the period when Tony was very much the leading man often confused the ages of the two causing Colin some amusement. Once Tony was a young man he took on the romantic lead replacing Phil – chasing women everywhere with numerous romantic entanglements until the very Welsh sounding Pat tied him down. Taking on the Bridge Farm tenancy was huge as was the conversion to organic farming where he was a stick in the mud until Pat made it clear – as women do – that there was no alternative! A clean version of Tony’s words over John’s body as played by Roifield can be found if you scroll down on this page.
Otherwise events were gentle with Lucy complaining that nothing happened. But nothing happening is always the best parts of The Archers! And we heard Roman Trench the “Fawlty Towers” actor plus Joy unbending when gathering goats, Leonard not proposing and I suspect we are about to hear the Rewilding Ambridge Trio (the second album was rubbish by the way) go wild when they realise they have played straight into the profiteering hands of Damara and BL. And just with whom was Bella copping off?
On this week’s episode, we hear views from Glyn, Catherine and Vicky