Diversity is high on the agenda this week. Lucy is hugely enthusiastic of a strong week on The Archers luxuriating in the wonders of Santa auditions, the bonkers of Ambridge Rewiilding plus the return of Ruth and the images conjured up by Russ trying to direct Jim by way of Lizzie’s mental disturbances! Roifield meanwhile is more interested in stories of his trousers not being removed in Lucy’s dreams (she is convinced that Zencaster is her undoing) and the state of his shoes when playing Santa – than talking about the week in Ambridge which obviously did not impress him now that he has returned from a free lunch near London Bridge to San Francisco. Santa, in particular, appears to have polarised opinions.
The callers this week are on fire as they comment on The Archers and it looks like Babs and Trev (of Ealing) will be taking on the mantle of presenters before long. Elsewhere Maeve in the Big Press is looking to come out of hiding in the Press as apparently “Wendy” has identified her and Maeve’s children were astounded to hear she was calling a podcast, until they heard it was about The Archers at which time their interest ended rapidly! Waking Kraken introduces us to her chickens whilst Josh recounts horror stories preventing his contributions covering house fires and meditation
Whilst on the subject of mathematics how does 200 acres equate to 75% of the input when there is £0.5m on the table? The numbers do not add up.
On this week’s episode, we hear views from Babs and Trev, Joshua, New York Nigel, Maeve, Claire, Witherspoon and Nic.