The title this week is, according to Lucy: “The one where Roifield and Lucy don’t talk about the biggest storyline in The Archers and then actually talk about it!”. I agree with one point. Robert Snell would not endorse cheating; the whole thing is making a nonsense of the characters. These two women have a grandchild in common so no doubt they will soon be tearing Mungo in half.
Lucy rules as we all acknowledge. As ever she excels with her week in Ambridge covering the tiny stories (Johnny’s bald spot) and the large dramatic excesses – Lynda’s sit in outside the Bull when her duplicitous behaviour is exposed by Lilian. Roifield has identified that the clash of Lynda and Lilian over changing the name of The Bull is not worth the airtime it is being allowed to occupy and is distorting our view of events.
The continuing exposure of the recent fake “German” caller continues and Roifield reveals (and I will only type this once very carefully) that Lucy is cunning linguist with a wide grasp of foreign languages having once been a Swiss chalet maid and au pair. She is also very good with double entendres.
Tweet of the week rarely gets a mention hereabouts. Dominic Young is top of the pile this week: “Here’s a thought. Perhaps there are so many honks from passing cars because Lynda is sat there topless!”. This sends our hosts into paroxysms.
Overweight horses and pets seems a little unlikely but seems to the current farming storyline – I am surprised that we were not given telephone numbers and websites after the programme.
On this week’s episode, we hear views from Claire, Iris, Dusty, Master Miles and Witherspoon.