DumTeeDum is a phenomenon according to Lucy and Roifield on the grounds that it has became a Mirror headline and achieved more column inches than any other podcast last week, anywhere in the world. The BBC news reports were particularly outstanding as they misspelt Mr Molloy’s name! However Lucy does not choose that as Headline of the Week preferring instead “Private Eye” which reportedly asked visitors not to go looking for Borchester, Felpersham or the Ambridge village green at present.
How do you solve a problem like Lynda? Sadly I do not have the skills of Rodgers and Hammerstein to express this in rhyme but as Lucy points out it is 100% clear that Robert does it completely wrong at every step along the way! Re-opening Gay Grables also seems highly improbable but luckily the new chef, Hugh, obviously has good contacts in the film and television industry which was able to make a huge field kitchen available at very short notice – probably because outside Ambridge all film and tv recording has been cancelled because of the coriolis effect. And why is Ian not worrying about the fit out of his new kitchen post explosion?
Lucy also paid tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor, a Goodie, who as part of “At Last the 1948 Show” co-wrote the famous “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch which was later part of the Monty Python stage show. Tim was also one of the bedrock participants of the “I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue” programme. A sad loss to the world of comedy.
On this week’s episode, we hear views from Young Keith, Margot, Ed, Sister Sally, Babs and Trev, Old Grey Whiskers, Claire Astbury, Dusty, General Storr, Holly, Shifty Davie and Carol.