This is a little late as I have been taking a holiday in the Lake District. Many thanks for all of the kind comments and although I was not feeling ill at the time of my little episode I was suffering from breathlessness and it is noticeable that I am not suffering anywhere near as badly. Thank you to Roifield for making my thanks to the NHS reach an even wider public. They may not always get it right – but when they do it can be wonderful
Anyway nose to the grindstone (that Roifield drives us all very hard!) and I am here to summarise the podcast. Missing the Lower Loxley residents is high on the agenda for discussion this week along with a bring back Toby campaign to provide some entertainment. Having struggled with the stupid Snellian arguments alongside Alice and Gavin bonding the whole week was (to me) one of the worst weeks. Sorry but I have had enough of the Snells in lockdown and Alice is an adult and not a child and she is being rammed down our throats for hours on end with no beneficial outcome. I do not get it.
Modern slavery is the centrepiece of discussions again this week with Philip Moss seeking to offload his lame horse (with due apologies to those who believe that such language should be avoided) and Gavin not wanting to damage the status quo because Blake helps manage his colleagues. Pete would like to hear more from the slaves but I am not sure we will hear a lot from them; Blake has spoken but the other two seem unlikely to gain voices.
On this week’s episode, we hear views from Carolyn-Wright, Jackie, Crankie Yankie, Witherspoon, Mary Not Contrary and Ally