Ambridge seems to be experiencing turbulent times in recent weeks this week magicking up Amy Franks for her first appearance in about 10 years and all she can tell us is that Alice is still drinking. What a surprise!
Our hosts seem more interested in Mickey Mouse pyjamas than happenings in Ambridge and the reasons become crystal clear as Philippa reviews the tragedies on the Am from last week. Frankly my dear I cannot give a damn. Philippa directing traffic in Shrewsbury in her pyjamas is probably a lot more exciting.
Isabelle reassures us that Martha is advancing normally so no foetal alcohol syndrome. Shula has serious concussion syndrome judging by her ravings on Thursday evening (to her ex-husband) detailing her apparent infatuation with the odiferous Neil. The BBC could not be bothered to credit Neil (Brian Hewlett) this week in the cast list – appalling treatment of a long term faithful servant of TPTB and his always excellent contributions to the County of Borsetshire.
With Roifield’s impending retirement we shall be deprived of his deliberately constructed comments intended to provoke discussion which get aired once again on the subject of determining class in Britain. Given that by and large we have stopped working these days I would posit that there is no working class any longer and that we are now all middle class.
On this week’s episode of DumTeeDum we hear views from Isabelle, Jen, Katherine, Emily, Brian, Mia, Witherspoon and Isabelle again.