So why did we not hear Helen’s call to the police? Because she told them he was in the country on the basis of zero evidence, no wonder the police could not help her. Running to Bodge Farm is worse than her own house which is on a busy estate not up a quiet country lane. Why did Joy not describe the mystery man?
Given the elf risks why is anyone allowed in the forge when Chris is banging? Just not legal. Similarly Johnny is responsible for the Montbelliarde milking cows, not the Aberdeen Angus bulls. So that was odd. Why would Kenton ever rod anything at The Bull. I know he needs to clean his pipes weekly but using rods on them would be seriously over the top.
And Ambridge has a strange way of ending marriages, Shula telling Alastair to get lost, Alice walking out of rehab into a divorce and Russ moving onto the next bit of skirt. No divorces for years and suddenly lots of them, perhaps the village will get a bus service next. Is Alice on something, suddenly able to mother Martha, until she needed changing, then announce she wanted a divorce yet showed more emotion at selling her Banjo.
Why was Amy decorating her flat a few weeks ago? Is she on holiday or just felt that the parentals needed annoying for two weeks instead of a stay cation, or indeed a trip to Rhodes which is where this is being penned.