Goodbye P&Q

This week’s Dumteedum tune is a really special one from our Stephen to bid farewell to P&Q and on this episode we are lucky enough to hear contributions from: Simon in Shropshire, Our Rob, Suzanne in the United States. Our Stephen, Katherine, Claire from Clapham, Bernadette, Witherspoon, Brian, Sarah from Smethwick, Richard in Poland, Julia in Manchester, God Squad Mia, Glyn, Purple Pumpkin & Anon of Ambridge. Plus: Tweet of the week with Bernadette, Facebook roundup with Stephen and welcoming new members of our Facebook group, plus the DumteeBOOKdum item, this time with author Michael Arditti. Marvellous! Please call in to […]

The Final Countdown

COMPLETE DISASTER – APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE! You will hear of the various issues experienced this week, which we can only apologise for, plus there is an important announcement at the end of the episode. This week’s ‘Morse’ Dumteedum tune is from Our Stephen (the ‘morse’ code spells out The Archers – bravo!) and on this episode, we are lucky enough to hear contributions from: Katherine, Claire from Clapham, Our Rob, Our Stephen, God Squad Mia, Glyn, Jacqueline in Brittany, Hannah in Maine, Jan in Vancouver & Anon of Ambridge. Plus: Tweet of the Week with Rosie, Facebook roundup with our […]

With Natasha Archer!

Huge thanks to Mali Harries, who plays Natasha Archer, for joining us on Dumteedum this week. This week’s wonderful Morse Dumteedum tune is from Stephen and on this episode, we hear contributions from God Squad Mia, Kate our Employment Law Bot, Rob, Stephen, Katherine, Witherspoon, Brian, Kathryn with a Y, Richard & his big sister Helen, Purple Pumpkin, Marina and Anon of Ambridge. Plus: DumteeBOOKdum item, this time with author Alexandra Potter, Tweet of the week with Stephen and the Facebook roundup with Katie. Please call into the show using this link:  Do keep your call to a maximum […]

Flappy Paddles

This week’s “Midsomer Murders” Dumteedum tune is from Our Stephen and on this episode we are lucky enough to hear contributions from: Erica, Our Rob, Tracy in California, Catherine in Canterbury, Cycling Again Christine, Witherspoon, Emily from Canada, Chris in York & Anon of Ambridge. Plus: Tweet of the week, Facebook roundup, predictions for next week and the DumteeBOOKdum item, this time with Stuart Lawrence author of “Silence is not an option”. Please call into the show: Do keep your call to a maximum of two minutes. Minimum age for contributors is 18.

Технический анализ для начинающих трейдеров на Форекс

Метод технического анализа позволяет проследить эту закономерность на длительном историческом периоде. В свое время еще Чарльз Доу обращал внимание на устойчивость рыночных формаций, что и сколько зарабатывают трейдеры объясняет тенденцию возврата цены к прежним позициям. Так происходит, потому что на некоторые события, независимо от времени и природы их происхождения, участники рынка склонны реагировать одинаково. Следует отдать должное трейдерам, стоящим у истоков зарождения финансового рынка. Именно они были «первопроходцами» Форекса и «собирателями» первичной базы знаний, на которой сегодня основаны все инструменты торговли и торговые стратегии Форекс. Что такое пипс на Форекс? Также с помощью объемов можно выявлять устойчивые ценовые уровни. Если […]


This week’s amazing Dumteedum tune is from Stephen and on this episode we are lucky enough to hear contributions from: Katherine, Our Rob, Leigh from Cookham, Mia, Darcy, Witherspoon, Milly Molly Mandy, Beth Speculation, Ben in Shanghai, Marina and Anon of Ambridge. Plus: Tweet of the week, Facebook roundup and welcoming new members of our Facebook group, predictions for next week and the DumteeBOOKdum item, this time with Helen Paris author of “Lost Property”. Please call in to the show using this link:  Do keep your call to a maximum of two minutes. Minimum age for contributors is 18. […]

Tony’s Toast

This week’s Dumteedum tune is from Claire from Clapham with the wonderful Academics Archers and on this episode, we are lucky enough to hear contributions from: Polly Perks, Claire from Clapham, Our Rob, Witherspoon, Jen – our Ambridge Pony Club, Liz from Birmingham, Natalie from Torquay, Helen from Rotherham, Marina (with help from Leo Horstmeier) Not ‘The Cycling Christine’ Christine, El Pea and Anon of Ambridge  Plus: Tweet of the week, Facebook round-up, Instagram, Predictions for next week and the DumteeBOOKdum item, this time with author Eve Smith. Please call into the show using this link:  Do keep your […]

431 – Angel Delight

This week’s Dumteedum tune is from Claire from Clapham and some of the wonderful Academics Archers. On this episode we are lucky enough to hear contributions from: Katherine, Our Rob, Gennie with a G from Coventry, Jen our Ambridge Pony Club, Formerly Cycling Christine, Stephen, Nathalie from Torquay, Beth Speculation, An anonymous emailer who is not Anon of Ambridge, Tash in Australia and Anon of Ambridge. Plus: Tweet of the week, Facebook roundup and welcoming new members of our group. Instagram, predictions for next week and the DumteeBOOKdum item, this time with author & former Archers scriptwriter & producer Joanna Toye

430 – Daggers Drawn

This week’s Dumteedum tune is from our Stephen and on this episode we are lucky enough to hear calls from: Formerly Cycling Christine, Leigh from Cookham, Our Rob, Queen Bea, Glyn, the Trio that is God Squad Mia, Michie Moo & Jane, Witherspoon, Darcy, Bernadette, Allie in Washington, Bill from Ukraine, Helen from Rotherham, Milly Molly Mandy, Katherine and Hannah from Maine, plus emails from Formerly Cycling Christine, Ditsy from Darrington and Anon of Ambridge. Plus: Tweet of the week Facebook roundup and welcoming new members of our FB group, Instagram, predictions for next week and DumteeBOOKdum with author Sarah Vaughan

429 – The Hotel Fornication

This week’s Dumteedum tune is from our Stephen and on this episode we are lucky enough to hear thoughts from: Claire from Clapham, Nathalie from Torquay, Rob, Love Jazzer’s Singing, Mellie, Queen Bee, Tracy from California, Witherspoon, Milly Molly Mandy, Brian, Kate, Sarah from Smethwick, Gennie, Glyn, Katherine, Chris from York, Neil and Anon of Ambridge. Plus: Tweet of the week, Facebook roundup and welcoming new members of our FB group, Instagram and predictions for next week. As well as the DumteeBOOKdum item, this time with celebrity chef and author Rosemary Shrager