DTD: 409 – Joy Horville joins DumTeeDum for this episode!

Quentin’s better half has insisted that a retired man should still have holidays and so he has been replaced this week by Jackie Lye once best known for being Sandra in “Brush Strokes” but to the listeners to The Archers she is now life model Joy Horville, next door neighbour on the Beechwood estate to Helen and Lee.   Jackie has been recording with TA since 2019 and updates on the current procedures now that they are back in the studio for main recording although some individuals may still be phoning in their words remotely; the magic makes it seamless.  […]

DTD: 408 – Dessert Storm; Stella crashes the Pips & a potential personality bypass.

“‘Allo,’ Allo” said Ms Artois, rocking up to Brookfield Farm, for her first meeting with the tenants.  “Listen very carefully, firstly I shall only say zis once and secondly you are obviously a thick local peasant.  Get your Madonna with Big Boobies sheep outta my pub, sorry out of the field I have decided needs spraying today”.  In return Pip offers to spay Stella anytime she wants.  By the way if Ms Artois thinks this incestuous she might pass out when she finds out about the links to Bridge Farm, Berrow Estate, The Stables and The Bull, Damara and The […]

DTD: 407 – Jazzer, Justin & Vince. The Good, the bad & the Ugly.

I have made presentations in my time to a Board and I can categorically state that causing internecine warfare between two key board members is a certain way to get the proposal rejected.  They will both be so upset by the proposal that they will convince the rest of the Board to reject it.  Alongside this I feel I should remind the powers that be that Justin is not a BL board member as he made clear when buying the share he owns that he cannot afford the time requirement.  Disappointing lack of continuity.   Our hosts and callers express […]

DTD: 406 -The bake of Beth, the bang with Blake and the Smell of Snell.

There are some pretty fanciful numbers bandied about this week over the potential value of Home Farm should the partners manage to agree the mad plan for a sale.  As a simple accountant I can spot this is a gross simplification.  First up as I assume Brian gifted the assets to the partnership, if he does not live for seven years after gift then there will be inheritance tax payable as the exemptions for farm land passing down through the family will no longer apply.  On the disposal itself capital gains tax at rates up to 40% become due on […]

DTD: 405 – Sickly cinnamon, dubious drilling and deadly divorces…

So why did we not hear Helen’s call to the police?  Because she told them he was in the country on the basis of zero evidence, no wonder the police could not help her.  Running to Bodge Farm is worse than her own house which is on a busy estate not up a quiet country lane. Why did Joy not describe the mystery man?   Given the elf risks why is anyone allowed in the forge when Chris is banging?  Just not legal.  Similarly Johnny is responsible for the Montbelliarde milking cows, not the Aberdeen Angus bulls.  So that was […]

DTD: 404 – Desperate, despicable and devious deeds afoot in Ambridge this week.

Well I listened to this podcast whilst driving to London.  It may be me but some prat has decided that to drive in London the limit on A roads is 20 mph and not 30 mph, you must drive not turn left even though it leads to your destination so you have to go a good mile out of your way burning petrol and causing additional pollution for absolutely no good reason and traffic flows are impeded by traffic lights not remaining green and three lanes of car traffic being squeezed into a single lane to allow for firstly a […]

DTD: 403 – We discuss Neil’s character & rate both his lasagne and gardening skills.

Covid arrived – but not in Ambridge.  Somehow it remains a “Thankful Village” with no impact on known residents.  All the cases reported were outside the village, even during the monologues where Roger Travers-Macey was struck down.  Has Adam even mentioned it since?   Amy had a second visit to the microphone in recent weeks and stoked up the “there must be an affair in the offing” correspondents whilst the affair that was not between Shula and poor old Neil came to a non-end when Soosan took down Shula yet again and as our hosts pointed out Soosan went from […]

DTD: 402 – Welcome to the weirdest week in Ambridge…

Isn’t modern technology wonderful?  For a long time the microphone leads could not reach outside the village so Dan and Doris could be consigned to Lillian in the Channel Islands to allow Dan to return with a new slightly different voice and more recently Helen and her partner could get married on the Isle of Wight, where Mr Titchenor ensured that events progressed without the knowledge or interference of The Archer clan.   Typically to maintain the fiction of only recording within Borsetshire on several occasions the might of the Empire was able to relocate at least part of the […]

Как рассчитать доходность акции и выбрать момент для покупки

Для поиска момента входа в позицию лонг использован инструмент рисования профиля рынка. Следует отметить, что «высокие» и «низкие» значения EPS могут сильно различаться в зависимости от отрасли, размера компании и ее жизненного цикла. Если акции куплены на долгосрочное хранение, зависимость портфеля от бизнес-циклов ослабевает. Процент, который считается как хорошая доходность, может значительно отличаться в зависимости от рыночных условий, типа активов и личных предпочтений инвестора. В общем, “хорошая” доходность должна быть выше инфляции и средней доходности по аналогичным инвестициям. Высокий P/E может указывать на переоцененность акции или, что инвесторы ожидают высокого роста прибыли в будущем. Например, политические ситуации, экономическое состояние или […]

DTD: 401 – Saint Shula, Needy Neil & Stressed Susan. Plus a deep discussion on favourite types of cake

  The “new normal” arrives on Dumteedum with Philippa recycling my “P”s and “Q”s joke from some weeks ago.  Thief!   Philippa and Quentin are now in charge and he gives us a run down of events last week in Ambridge whilst ongoing discussions cover dentists, reflections on the inability of 13 year old boys to clean their teeth (at least he will never pull with bad breath) whilst Philippa is planning to resurrect her Tik Tok (whatever that might be) account to enable her to do interpretative dance of her book reviews.  Quentin reports that he managed to teach […]