Charlotte Higgins Guardian Journalist and Archers super fan!

Charlotte wrote a long-form article about the Archers last month entitled “A peculiarly English epic’: the weird genius of The Archers. Here she speaks to Roifield about it and her love affair with Ambridge.

Що має знати Senior PHP Developer Результати аналізу вакансій в Україні та Каліфорнії

Зміст Відповідь від FakiNyan 02.10.2018 22:35:09 Вимоги до PHP програміст Київ Хто такий PHP-розробник? Що він повинен вміти робити? Професія Full Stack Developer: перспективи розвитку Натискаючи «Продовжити», щоб приєднатися або увійти, ви приймаєте Угоду про користування LinkedIn, Політику конфіденційності та Політику щодо файлів cookie. CMS дають змогу створювати сайти, не написавши жодного рядка коду, мінусом php розробник такого підходу є неможливість вносити необхідні зміни в сайт (дизайн, логіку). Чомусь люди сприймають слово «російський» як звинувачення. Відповідь від FakiNyan 02.10.2018 22:35:09 Шаблони проєктування корисні при розробці будь-якого програмного забезпечення, включаючи PHP. Вони можуть прискорити розробку, пропонуючи повторювані рішення загальних проблем. Вони також […]

DTD: 367 – Rex turns on Brookfield, Brian loses it and what biscuits do we serve builders?

This week was ever more absurd as Brian decided to attack Kirsty one moment over her husband’s activities and the next is hail fellow well met supporting Neil.  No meat processor would send in an auditor to go through the records on the basis of an allegation of a contractor having used unpaid labour – so far out to lunch.  They might want a meeting to understand what happened – but a full audit?   Philip’s appearance at Greenacre’s also beggared belief – he knew Jim did not like him so he simply would not go there, all for dramatic […]

DTD: 366 – The guilt of Ambridge and chunky Kit Kats

We have raised £4,299 of our £5,000 target for Unseen, help us get to 5K by donating here Roifield wastes a lot of energy defending Shula over her inability to answer the phone pointing out that she is still a vicar in training.  She may be a vicar in training – but she is an adult, fully grown with a grown up child.  She knows what is right and what is wrong – either she wants to talk to the caller or she doesn’t.  Her behaviour was not that of an adult.   BL’s response was completely out to lunch – the […]

DTD: 365 – The 70th-anniversary episode edition

Trazzer – on or off?  Obviously immense disappointment that the village noticeboard in the telephone box did not get the implied treatment but I hope that the ghost of Martha Woodford will be along to rectify the three broken panes.   To my mind the engineered but unwarranted arrest of Kirsty (who had previously been co-operating with the police) was better than killing off a well loved character simply because it was a programme anniversary for no good reason; we know she will come back and in any event it was a mystery that they could find enough evidence to […]

DTD: 364 – New Years day fundraiser

DumTeeDum is asking you to donate to “Unseen” which is a UK charity fighting slavery around the world and at home in Britain. Give as much as you can, so that by working in partnership with communities, business, governments and other organisations we can help to stamp out slavery for good. Ian Pepperell (who plays Roy Tucker) is giving a signed 70th anniversary Archers script to someone who donates and we will not be running this as an auction, but will select the winner of the script randomly. Give what you can and spare a thought for those confined against […]

When wrong ‘uns appear in Ambridge – donate to end slavery

When wrong ‘uns appear in Ambridge, we expect them to be love rats or corner-cutters in the shape of Matt Crawford. What you’re not expecting in a well-to-do county like Borsetshire, is a modern slaver at the heart of a network of human traffickers. The business of Philip Moss and his son Gavin, has been built on the sweat and captivity of Blake, Kenzie and Jordan, three young vulnerable men or ‘horses’ as the Moss’ term them. Shocking as this may seem, Modern slavery is a very real issue in Britain and around the world and this hideous crime has […]


Here are the statistics for all of 2020 – an unusual year in Ambridge as well as in real life. We lost three weeks in May when normal episodes were replaced by classic repeats. And in June and July there were never more than twelve characters each week. Things started to get back to normal as went into the autumn, but even as we reached the end of 2020, we are still some way from going back to the usual thirty-nine characters per week. So here is the Character Count for all of 2020: I think the most notable absentee […]

Character Count – December 2020

December saw the introduction of a handful of new characters. When Lily and Freddie went for a night out, they were met with an obstructive Casino Doorman and later a Bingo Caller – great for any radio actor’s CV. We also heard from the marriage registrar officiating at Kirsty and Philip’s wedding. We also had an episode featuring all three of the “horses” – Blake, Jordan and Kenzie. We may hear more of them in the new year as the modern slavery storyline develops following Philip Moss’s arrest. Another participant in this storyline is Victoria – will she turn out […]

The RIGHT YOU ARE quiz 2020

It’s that time of year again. I’ve been collating all the little sound snippets from The Archers throughout 2020 and have gathered together a somewhat small selection this year. “Right You Are” was only heard seven times during 2020 and “Hello You Two” wasn’t heard a single time. I suppose neither phrase is the sort of thing your character would say from under a tent made of an old duvet – that’s even if you were lucky enough to be one of those selected to record a lockdown monologue. Anyway here is the selection for this year. Just seven different […]