DTD: 363 – Kirsty shops Phillip on Christmas Eve

Official podcasting platforms are ditched in favour of Zoom.  My perennial war cry is that if Roifield (and I mean Roifield?) can deliver an excellent clean Zoom recording outside a studio of numerous participants (well three – Quentin and Rosie) of which only one is anywhere near Birmingham (I think) and the others are spread in other countries – why can the BBC not manage six proper episodes a week.   My two-pennorth is that if Kirsty was cooking the books how in heaven’s name did she miss the non-payment of Income Tax and NI deductions being “not paid” to […]

DTD: 362 – Witherspoon and Dr Nicola Headlam of the Academic Archers discuss Ambridge

Witherspoon and the Doc discuss:MatriarchsGrowing oldMental healthIs it a mirror on England?Fandom

DTD: 361 – Hearing the voices of the enslaved or not

Yes, I know what you were all saying.  “Why didn’t you let go of the lead?”.  Two reasons, firstly it is illegal to kill a Swan, secondly the previous day, Paudie and I had been in an enclosed field.  When it was time to go he looked at the lead, looked at me and then started running a circle round me until I fell over completely dizzy.  Brain of a Border Collie, power of a Bernese Mountain dog. Thirdly the dog does not belong to me and I cannot afford to lose him.    This week was marked by there […]

DTD: 360 – Kirsty gets married to a slaver

This week’s comments come caked in mud to prove that tier 2 is very dangerous.  Imagine the scene, a muddy walkway between two lakes, an enthusiastic, bouncy, powerful Bordanese (a cross between a Border Collier and a Bernese Mountain Dog) at the end of a modest lead sighting a harmless looking swan about six feet into the nearest lake which said dog decides is either lunch or a new playfriend.  Dog takes off at high speed.  Attached walker is wearing brand new coat and wellington boots because it is so wet and loses his footing and starts sliding on the mud towards […]

DTD: 359 – Shula’s big bum and old favourites return

Blasts from the past this week as Millie Belle and Yokel Bear are sitting in the hot seats alongside Roifield this week – a truly multi-national, multi-continental combination.   Yokel Bear predicts that Roman will fall into a hole over the Christmas production – a trench of some description no doubt – which will lead to Lynda returning next week.  It is also predicted that Roman will be dumped by Tracy who will take up with Jazzer – can anyone see Jazzer settling for one woman however well endowed?    Meanwhile Alice and Philip continue to be discussed.  I feel […]

Character Count – November 2020

A momentous month in Ambridge with episodes sounding more and more like they did in the pre-monologue era. Episodes in November featured an average of between five and six characters. The only two-hander we’ve heard since the beginning of September was the brilliant bathroom episode with Alice and Chris Carter. We also heard a voice from beyond the grave when Ruairi played the CD that his mother Siobhan had recorded for him to hear on his eighteenth birthday. And we heard a “Right You Are” from Eddie Grundy. POSITION CHARACTER EPISODES 1 Alice Carter 6 1 David Archer 6 1 […]

DTD: 358 – David Archer is the grey man of Ambridge and things you always wanted to know about Southampton

Roifield announces that Tractr will be back soon – probably about the time this appears and it is also the case the website has had a good old going over.  So pop in, update your location and you can message others.  With lockdown ending (at least in the UK) perhaps we can all start arranging meetings for physically distanced meals in a pub post-vaccine when we might even manage to talk to one another.   Meanwhile in TA little is happening – apart from David talking about cows – but then he is a cow farmer.  The LoLo Xmas Xtravaganza […]