DTD: 322 – The cabin fever episode…

Lucy assures us that in isolation Derek and Christine are learning Swedish which is particularly useful as that country has decided not to go into complete lockdown and does not seem to be suffering from maintaining their economy at a workable level.  Interesting approach.   For those who do not know what they were talking about information on Bod can be found on that link.  You Tube has various bits (and Bods).   The time dilation effect which has distorted the village and the lack of the virus can be traced back to a single moment in time as Red Agnes […]

DTD: 321 – Philip is a wrong ‘un and Roifield is so right!

A mega-sized podcast has been delivered by our hosts this week as the world needs Sanatogen in these difficult times and DumTeeDum is a very good tonic.  With everyone locked down at home the number of callers is way off the normal scale!   Lucy commences with a very colourful “Week in Ambridge” – well Ben’s car is colourful.  I think Lucy has upped the levels of nudity and sexual innuendo this week as well as decrying the Krusty Cruelty stories.  Meanwhile Roifield is hailed as the conquering hero by himself and everyone else for identifying the hyper villainous and […]

DTD: 320 Oh Lindy, poor Lindy Bottom

Roifield expresses views which I suspect are widely held.  As he says if Lynda survives she will be a very different person and much changed – is that what we want from “The Archers”?    Graham Blockley, as many of us know, was in his professional life before retirement a doctor (he was using his holidays to appear on the programme) and delivered a master class in being the distraught husband.  The terrible stories of recent weeks have been written to demonstrate Lynda’s value to the village – we knew the storieswere strange and characters were behaving oddly – now […]

DTD: 319 It’s the calm before the storm in Ambridge and St Lucia and Jamaica go to war

Roifield opens proceedings with a message from Andrew Horn who is promising a get together in London in April.  However by the time this summary went to press it had been cancelled as by the proposed date Central London will be a no-go zone over-run by zombies and other exotic creations from the computer gaming universe which have survived the coronavirus.  Obviously they will be drinking Corona beer and Corona lemonade.   The utterly lazy writing where an individual does not have the opportunity to respond (as with Lynda being silenced by Freddie this week) has happened too frequently recently […]

DTD: 318 Could Kate and Jacob “really be like real in real life” and apologies to Germany

This week’s Dumteedum caused earthquake proportions of discomfort in Kosmo towers on initial hearing.  First up Roifield issued a detailed apology to the entire German nation over the utterance of a discarded national anthem, following which Lucy commented on the week in Ambridge referring to events of which I had absolutely no memory.    Eventually my brain sorted itself out and I decided that as I had not yet heard this week’s episodes of The Archers I thought I should probably go and do that before hearing Lucy’s take on events!  Lucy has been busy recently with a Year in Ambridge […]


APPEARANCES THIS MONTH WHICH CHARACTERS WERE HEARD DURING FEBRUARY 2020? POSITION CHARACTER EPISODES 1 Lynda Snell 11 2 Jakob Hakansson 9   Lilian Bellamy   4 Alistair Lloyd 8 5 Freddie Pargetter 7   Kate Madikane   7 Johnny Phillips 6   Tracy Horrobin   9 Ben Archer 5   Jolene Archer     Josh Archer     Kirsty Miller     Shula Hebden Lloyd   14 Jazzer McCreary 4   Jim Lloyd     Kenton Archer     Philip Moss     Robert Snell   19 Alice Carter 3   David Archer     Ed Grundy     Emma […]