Jill and Ruth go to war!

This week’s Dum Tee Dum is from @buggysquires @ambridgeponyclub and @archersfan 2015 our Bernadette Jen and Brian who had a DTD meet-up in Margate And Dumteedum this week is sponsored by Brian Holding who donated to Dumteedum last week!   On this episode we’ll hear from Witherspoon, Jonah Titchmarsh, Christopher McKiddie, Rachel from Doncaster, Sarah from Hampshire, David Mullis, formerly cycling Christine, Jenny, first-time callerinerer from North Virginia but sounding like she comes from Cheshire, Pip Robinson from Thornton Heath, Our Jonah man Jazz, and Jen, Ambridge Pony Club! Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social […]

Ben sinks further, George looks up to Martin Gibson – Graham Blockey Robert Snell dies

On this episode we’ll hear from Witherspoon, Rob Williams, Jonah Titchmarsh, Glynn Fullerlove, Sarah Spilsbury, Richard Lucas, David Mullis, and Claire Astbury.   Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round up from our Katie Please call into the show using this link: https://www.speakpipe.com/dumteedum  Do keep your call to a maximum of two minutes. The minimum age for contributors is 18. To support the show visit us at: https://www.patreon.com/dumteedum How to Write a Podcast Review on Apple Podcasts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9QbySG2Exk&ab_channel=TheDigitalLearningConsultant

Chelsea mans up and the men of Ambridge let the side down

This week’s Dum Tee Dum is from Marie Bray And Dumteedum this week is sponsored by Jennifer Wearne who became a new Patreon this week! On this episode we’ll hear from Witherspoon, Polly Perks, Rob Williams, Jacqueline, Red Agnes and Kristi Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round up from our Witherspoon. Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round-up from our Sue. Please call into the show using this link: https://www.speakpipe.com/dumteedum  Do keep your call to a maximum of two minutes. The minimum age for contributors is […]

Ben melts down

This week’s Dum Tee Dum is from Marie Bray And Dumteedum this week is sponsored by Jennifer Wearne who became a new patreon this week! On this episode we’ll hear from Witherspoon, Polly Perks, Rob Williams, Jacqueline, Red Agnes and Kristi Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round up from our Witherspoon. Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round-up from our Sandra. How to Write a Podcast Review on Apple Podcasts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9QbySG2Exk&ab_channel=TheDigitalLearningConsultant Support Underneath The Archers By Graham Harvey, a powerful memoir by the environmental campaigner & […]

Chelsea makes her decision

This week’s DumTeeDum is from Marie Bray Dumteedum this week is sponsored by Jennifer Wearne On this episode we’ll hear from Witherspoon, formerly cycling Christine, Richard Lucas, Pip, Vicky Cole, Auntie Jean, Lilli and Rachel from Doncaster And we had a message from Dan from Stamford which was lost in the ether soz! Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round-up from our Sandra. How to Write a Podcast Review on Apple Podcasts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9QbySG2Exk&ab_channel=TheDigitalLearningConsultant Support Underneath The Archers By Graham Harvey, a powerful memoir by the environmental campaigner & former agricultural story editor of The […]

Hot Tubs, pregnancies and George Grundy

This week’s DumTeeDum is from Marie Bray Dumteedum this week is sponsored by Charlotte Moar who became a new Patreon this week! On this episode we’ll hear from Witherspoon, formerly cycling Christine, Sarah Spilsbury, Richard Lucas and Glynn Fullerlove. A message from Mildly Cranky which was silent!   Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round-up from our Sandra. How to Write a Podcast Review on Apple Podcasts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9QbySG2Exk&ab_channel=TheDigitalLearningConsultant Support Underneath The Archers By Graham Harvey, a powerful memoir by the environmental campaigner & former agricultural story editor of The Archers. https://unbound.com/books/underneath-the-archers

Graham Harvey, the ex-Archers agricultural editor, talks to Dumteedum

Graham Harvey ’the other Minister for Farming’ and scriptwriter for The Archers for over 34 years talks to Roifield about how he brought down the Aldridges and his frustrations with the portrayal of the Grundy family. Support Underneath The Archers By Graham Harvey, a powerful memoir by the environmental campaigner & former agricultural story editor of The Archers. https://unbound.com/books/underneath-the-archers/ Please call into the show using this link: https://www.speakpipe.com/dumteedum  Do keep your call to a maximum of two minutes. The minimum age for contributors is 18. To support the show visit us at: https://www.patreon.com/dumteedum How to Write a Podcast Review on […]

What a week in Ambridge but was it a good week?

This week’s Dum Tee Dum is from Marie Bray And Dumteedum this week is sponsored by Charlotte Moar who became a new Patreon this week! On this episode we’ll hear from Jen, Witherspoon, Claire from Clapham, Christopher Mckiddie, Christine, gadget girlie Murdoch, and my fellow Breton Briton from Torquay, Natalie! Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round-up from our Stephan Bowden. FB roundup and welcoming new members of our FB group. Please call into the show using this link: https://www.speakpipe.com/dumteedum  Do keep your call to a maximum of two minutes. The minimum age for […]

Ben, Chelsea and Beth and the fallout! Plus Pots and kettles

This week’s Dum Tee Dum is from Michael Weilock and Anwyn. In this episode we’ll hear from Jen, formerly cycling Christine, Glynn Fullerlove, Brian Holding, Bluehaired feminist, Witherspoon, Rachel from Doncaster and Christopher Mckiddie Plus: Tweet of the week from Purple Pumpkin And we have social media round-up from our Sue Queen or Tart. FB roundup and welcoming new members of our FB group. Please call into the show using this link: https://www.speakpipe.com/dumteedum  Do keep your call to a maximum of two minutes. The minimum age for contributors is 18. To support the show visit us at: https://www.patreon.com/dumteedum

Как образовалась нефть в природе

Но человечество еще должно научиться осуществлять получение энергии из водорода. На сегодняшний день ученые работают над этим вопросом. Из указанного полезного ископаемого изготавливают пластмассу, чистящие средства, краски, взрывчатые вещества. Солярку и бензин также вырабатывают из нефти. Даже автомобильные шины производят из этого полезного ископаемого. Из чего образуется природный газ В этой статье мы расскажем о процессе формирования нефти и его основных этапах. Органический материал, подверженный длительной компрессии и нагреванию, превращается в горючие ископаемые, включая нефть. Сложный процесс образования нефти включает в себя ряд физико-химических превращений и длится тысячи лет. Нефть является органическим веществом, образование которого связано с разложением органического материала. […]