“Drinking the Kool-Aid” is a figure of speech used in the US which describes a situation where a group of people seem to be going along with a particularly bad idea … like Helen and Rob’s marriage.
I understand that Pat, Tony and Tom don’t want to upset Helen but I can’t believe they really think marrying Rob was the right thing to do. “He’s made her happy” isn’t any reason to go along with it! Some seriously deranged women fall in love with men on death row and apparently that makes them happy, too.
OK, so that’s not the best analogy – but who’s going to be first to break ranks and actually tell her it’s a stupid move?!
There’s quite a few people who’ve seen Rob’s “dark side” (Shula and the hunt saboteur incident, Charlie with a list of suspected crimes and misdemeanours, David and “culvertgate” – Charlie even threatened Ed) but are they just going to sit back and say nothing and endorse this idea that he’s a great guy?!