A new occupant in the female host’s seat this week as Roifield is joined for the first time by Rosie Porty whilst Pete Fickling is present in his seat. Keri is sunning herself in Spain when it is not raining.
Our hosts this week seem quite concerned by the River Nile and President Trump. Philip Moss and Alice Carter have been swimming in de Nile which is also where President Trump seems to spend a lot of time. Are we ever going to resolve the problems of the drunks and the horses?
Pete’s grasp on geography seems a little shaky. The cockle pickers were on Morecambe Bay on the West Coast where inexperienced masters were unaware of the unusual tide changes. Not on the Wash which is on the East Coast. The GLAA claims that the building industry regularly uses the term ‘horses’ – presumably because if overheard someone might actually think they are talking about horse racing. I am not at all sure anyone is actually taken in, but I suppose open reference to slaves is unlikely. Surely they would just the lads or employees? Far from convinced.
Emma’s approach to Chris and Alice over the latter was disappointing. I am sure that if Alice refused to leave for a personal discussion between brother and sister then Emma would have dropped it – she knew that she had to talk to just Chris.
On this week’s episode, we hear views from Liv, Josh in the Pacific Northwest, titian, lady Garff Garff, Jacky Bertho, Sandy and Witherspoon,