Are other professionals more interesting than farmers?

Home Forums DumTeeDum Are other professionals more interesting than farmers?

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    Purple PumpkinPurple Pumpkin

    I was thinking about how often the main drama surrounds the policeman, the lawyer, the doctor (when there was one), the vicar and even a teacher (the loathsome Russ). Is there some reason they’re all more likely to be involved in something interesting? I guess vicars, doctors and lawyers are often involved in matters of life and death. But maybe everyone else is more dramatically interesting than the farmers because they interact with more people on a daily basis? I’d be interested to hear what others think.


    Good points. Family farmers (as we have in The Archers) do seem to be more isolated and nuclear family oriented than the other professions. How many internal conflicts/crises about the future of their businesses can the scriptwriters create for each of the three major family farms? That reminds me, we haven’t heard from Kate in a while. What has she been up to?

    marie ingerfatffriend

    Absolutely, PP. The show has an agricultural advisor but when it comes to police, law, doctor etc, it is more hit and miss if their words and actions make any sense… only in Borsetshire….

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