Build a Miles

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    Tom WilliamsTom Williams

    A liitle game for everyone
    Build a Miles and establish how he fits in.

    I’ll do mine


    Helen is losing badly because Rob(who has recovered) is being a manipulating Gentlemans part

    “The defence calls to the stand
    Mr Titchner”

    Rob opens his mouth

    “I Meant Mr Miles Titchner” …

    A short bit of fanfiction there as to how My miles fits in

    My head canon miles is Gay
    Was bulled (by bruce, Rob and the boys at school)

    When he came out Bruce disowned him, ursula would contact him on the sly as she respects his life choice

    Miles Testifys in court that Rob abused him, treated him like dog muck on his shoe
    And bragged about Sexual conquests
    In a disparaging way “I gave it to her good, but a puff like you wouldn’t know about that would you?”

    So in short Discribe miles on your mind and how he fits in



    Ooh Miles being queer would be amazing. I had just thought that Miles had managed to escape the family as of less of a bad egg. But if he’s been excluded as a black sheep, I would love it if he had a found family which turn up every day in court who can verify Rob’s past history of him being vile to Jess

    Tom WilliamsTom Williams

    Everytime he’s been brought up it’s by ursula (who as his mum would be less willing to cast him out)
    Rob always brushed it off (as an anti gay brother who doesn’t approve would)


    Agree with what’s been said. In the least, Myles has been physically abused by his father (as Rob was) and tortured by his brother. Would bet he’ll be a gay superhero as well!

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