Intrusive questions about having a baby

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    Purple PumpkinPurple Pumpkin

    This week’s DTD included discussion of JennyDahling’s questioning of Alice about when she’s going to reproduce. There was much outrage at the thought that people think it’s OK to ask this sort of thing. I found myself remembering my experience when first pregnant – as a 40-something woman in a same-sex relationship. I was fairly often asked how we did it (anonymous donor, in a clinic) and whether it was my egg (yes indeedy). But my least-favourite response was a young man who told me he’d have been less surprised if his Uncle had told him he was pregnant. So, I don’t see Jenny as all that insensitive and intrusive, really, but wondered how less jaded listeners found it?

    Barbara WisemanBarbara Wiseman

    I had to tell my father that we were probably not going to have children to stop him asking, funny thing is that he could not relate or communicate with any of the grandchildren until they got to be adults.


    Jenny’s question was a bit awkward and perhaps a bit intrusive. She wasn’t being rude, she was showing sincere interest.

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