July stats

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    Mike HattonMike Hatton

    The top five places in this month’s Character Count are hardly surprising given the predominance of the Home Farm storyline. Brian appeared in three consecutive episodes twice. We had two newcomers: Lance the mediator and Robin Fairbrother. Debbie returned from Hungary. Jennifer was given the last word in four episodes while newcomer Robin Fairbrother had the last word in his first episode. It looked like we were going to have a month with no Right You Ares or Hello You Twos, but Lilian sneaked one in in the last episode of the month when she greeted Elizabeth and Freddie. The gender ratio favours the males of Ambridge once again. 21 episodes were written by male scriptwriters; just 6 were written by a female writer.

    marie ingerfatffriend

    May I add my thanks to Lucy’s for your somewhat obsessive counts, Mike Hatton. (It is not just Joe Grundy who refers to people by first and last name – It is a quaker thing too.) I have started taking note of dates given for birthdays and anniversaries. In 40 year’s time when I am 110 this may become useful. Was the pipette born on the saturday or sunday?
    I wish someone with your talents would work up a family tree for the program. Most of the info needed can probably be found on the BBC Archers website, But if the family tree is there, I didn’t find it.

    Susan HarrisonSusan Harrison

    I love the stats, thank you. I am new to DumTeeDum having met you on the tweetalong last week. I’ve had 16 years of being a lonesome Archers fan. I feel like I’ve found a new home, thank you all <3 Susan

    Mike HattonMike Hatton

    Challenge accepted, fatffriend, and thanks for your comment.

    Here’s a link to the Family Echo website, which I’d never used before so I don’t know whether or not is anything better I could have used.


    I’ve added 80-odd characters just from memory and already it’s getting complicated. A family tree with many branches and twigs indeed!

    The software requires the creator to be the centre of the family tree so I had to adopt the persona of one of the characters to start off, so I chose David Archer. So when you click on “Back to me” it takes you back to David Archer.

    The software also creates duplicates for some reason, so Will, Emma and George appear twice. I think it’s when they are have more than one connection to another person, i.e. Ed and Will are connected by being brothers, and they are also both connected to Emma as partner and ex-partner.

    Mike HattonMike Hatton

    For some reason, that link seems to send the Back To Me link to Keira Grundy. No idea why.

    Here is the link that should take you back to David Archer.


    marie ingerfatffriend

    Thank you, Mike Hatton, you got so much further than I had on big pieces of paper and a pencil with an eraser on the end. ( I use up the eraser so much faster than the lead!) My duplicate people were lines that ran off one sheet of paper to the next.

    What do the double lines mean, say between Wayne Tuscon and Jolene Archer? In conventional pedigrees this means they are related by blood as well as mating, i e cousins.

    Mike HattonMike Hatton

    I have a friend who researched his own family tree and managed to go back about eight generations. His was all done by hand and ended up on a roll of paper that was about twelve feet long.

    The double lines are not double but two single lines, with one going behind one of the names. So the lower line from Jolene Archer goes to Wayne Tucson, her first husband and Fallon’s father. The second line goes behind Wayne’s box and on to Sid Perks (Were they ever married? I would need to research that.)

    Mike HattonMike Hatton

    Turn out they were, in July 2002.

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