NASA budget, and Charlie in love

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    Doug FauntDoug Faunt

    First, NASA’s share never got above 5% of the US govt budget. Not 15 or 25%.

    And I have great sympathy for Charlie. Adam had never really rejected him, there was definite chemistry, and he had nothing to lose, and a lot to gain from taking the leap. He wasn’t really cognizant of the interaction between Ian and Adam. It was not unreasonable. And all life is chemistry, you can’t dismiss real feelings that way.

    BTW, Speakpipe doesn’t seem to work on my Android phone.
    I’m standing in line to see Star Wars with the crew of the schooner MYSTIC, in Key West.

    Jacqueline BerthoJacqueline Bertho

    When I saw the time your post came on my forum feed (2.16am) I thought we had a fellow insomniac, until I saw you were in the US and not Europe.

    Thank you for correcting the NASA question, it worried me so much as a figure I had to message @BBCMoreorLess to ask them to check it.

    I agree with you about Adam and Charlie. Adam has never turned poor Charlie away and at times has positively encouraged him. Also as Adam and Ian are rarely seen together in public, a fact acknowledged by Adam in his wedding speech, it was pretty difficult for Charlie to get a handle on their relationship.

    I envy your being in line with the crew of the schooner Mystic. I hope they lived up to their intergalactic reputation. That would never be allowed in rural France. One day in January there will be a showing of SW7 in a cinéma near me in ‘version Originale’ so it can be enjoyed with out every nuance of the plot being destroyed by translation and dubbing. I will let you know how my Momaw Nadon costume goes down……

    Roifield BrownRoifield Brown

    Sorry folks, I did also correct this on Twitter but of course I didn’t fact check the article which said 15%. That’s what I get for doing the shows off the top of my head!


    15% did seem like an awfully large chunk of the budget, as does 5% would now; but NASA employed a lot of people back then and the race to the moon was very important to the US of A back in the 60s. I remember I had a commemorative 45 record (purchased at the local supermarket) of it all in ’69.

    Charlie is inexperienced and naive when it comes to relationships; but at the same time one should always be respectful of the sanctity of another relationship. On the other hand again, Adam was always giving Charlie mixed messages and is ambivalent about his own relationship, which is too bad. In recent years he has under appreciated Ian and taken him for granted. As I’ve said before, if they’re going to have one gay relationship dramatized on TA, then they better make it a good one!


    And I just found the link to the image of the record!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by WitherspoonWitherspoon.
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