Oh Adam

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    I’m perplexed by Adam. I’ve always liked him and enjoy him showing that you can be gay and boring. Well not boring, but the gay thing doesn’t mean you spend your life in clubs sniffing lines of coke off speedo clad go go boys. Or something. Where was I? He’s a good role model for a stable sensible chap who likes chaps and I like him for that.

    Like all the characters having listened to their lives for the last decade or so you build up a mental picture of what they’re like. But Adam will sometimes act out of character, like when he ran off with the Eastern European farm hand. And again this week when he almost looks a gift horse in the mouth. What a fantastic opportunity. 40% of the farm and a chance to prove Brian wrong about the herbal wig. I’d be surprised if his salary is anything close to 40% of the profits. He should have jumped at it but he prevaricated. Oh Adam!

    Now, can someone recalibrate Brian’s calculator? If he’s got a few heirs is he giving Adam 40% and therefore less to Debboy, Koite, and Ruairhdkehbfkekbi when they inherit? Or will he snatch back some of Adam’s 40% to share with the others when he falls off his perch? I think we should be told. Or is this a slow burn story setting us up for family drama in a few years?

    Roifield BrownRoifield Brown

    I’m no expert of inheritance but I agree, this is great deal for Adam, I have no idea why he is moaning at all!

    Aunty JeanAunty Jean

    Not sure farm sharing has anything to do with inheritance just profits (or loss)

    Agreed can’t see why Adam is moaning perfect opportunity I’d thought.


    From the sound if it he stops moaning and takes the deal. The actor was on Steve Lamacq’s show on 6 Music last (along with Phoebe and Kate who weren’t rowing for once) extoling the virtues of partnership farming agreements.

    I didn’t realise until yesterday what a gorgeously sexy voice he has when he’s not moaning!


    As Jean Rose wrote, Adam is being offered 40% of the annual profit of the business as salary; he was not being offered an ownership share in the business. Adam does all the work, Brian still gets a majority of the profits. And when Brian shuffles off this mortal coil, will Rauri get the farm? If I were Adam, I’d hire a lawyer.


    That’s not how I understood it, but anyway – I bet his salary isn’t 40% of the profits now, so he’s still a winner. Glad he’s stopped whinging and taken the deal!

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