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    Now I know I’ll probably get chucked out/shunned/hated on/sent down a culvert without a bunting rope ladder for saying this, but I find these days I enjoy DumTeeDum and the tweeting along on a Sunday morning more than The Archers itself. I guess I’m not a listener of long standing – in fact I’ve been trying to remember when I started. I do remember Kenton and Kathy splitting up but only really started listening regularly because of that Lucy Freeman woman.

    Anyone else think DTD and/or tweetalong greatly adds to their enjoyment? IS their enjoyment? Perhaps it spoils it for you – I saw someone complaining about Jon Reed’s sarcastic asides on Twitter this morning. Killjoy.

    Roifield BrownRoifield Brown

    The Tweetalong made me realise that not only rural housewives listened to The Archers and it really brought the whole thing alive for me. Up until I found Twitter, listening was my dirty secret. Listening alone you miss so much stuff that is also pointed out by the tweetalong posse, its a vital accompaniment for me now when tuning in.


    That, to me, is the whole point of social media. Suddenly, whatever you’re interested in, you find other people who feel the same. And Twitter is so fabulous for that because you get to build your own self-selecting network. The realisation that you’re not alone is a huge gift.

    Goddess DeevaGoddess Deeva

    I got addicted to it because of Twitter but it isn’t the same without my Dumteedum family now.


    Can someone explain to Mrs Luddite here how to find the Tweetalong? I do facebook but don’t really understand Twitter. I’ve just had a look back at #thearchers but it doesn’t look like that’s the right place. Ta muchly.


    No real finding, Vicky – it’s just those of us using the hashtag #thearchers on a Sunday morning, listening to the omnibus. Use that hashtag on any of your tweets and follow along with us. Loads of us here on Dum Tee Dum are on Twitter too – GoddessDeeva, YokelBear and I are using the same usernames for a start. Jump in!


    Found it, thanks. This is brilliant!

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