The Devil's Spawn

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    As the natural father and husband of the mother, won’t Rob get uncontestable custody of the baby Titch, regardless of Helen’s anguished protestations?

    Valerie BaylissValerie Bayliss

    I guess it depends on what comes out about Rob’s suitability.


    But until at least September, that’s probably nothing. I fully expect Arsula and Titchy to turn up and claim the baby sometime (if they haven’t already, I’m a couple of days behind!)

    Purple PumpkinPurple Pumpkin

    They haven’t yet, but it’s clearly on the cards. I think, though, that unless Helen appears to be an unfit mother, the powers that be will think a newborn is better off with his mother, being breastfed etc. The trouble is: if Helen becomes postnatally depressed (as seems likely), and/or fails to bond with the baby, as seems very likely given he is the product of rape – then Rob could reasonably expect to win custody. Aaargh.

    Charlie CatCharlie Cat

    The one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb to me in Sundays omnibus is that Rob has only ever seen Helen as a walking incubator hasn’t he? I long believed his treatment of Helen was somehow something he enjoyed but i think there is definitely a factor of breaking her down so she silently pops out an all male army for him was the motivator.

    Glenn DayafterGlenn Dayafter

    I don’t believe that baby will ever be called Gideon. And I hope I’m right.

    Ms BubblesMs Bubbles

    I imagine that Rob is entitled to access until there is a reason for him not to have access. So far Helen has not said anything about Rob’s abuse. The only evidence that he was abusive is suspicion and reports from Kirsty that Rob wasn’t very nice and Helen told her that Rob slapped her once. We all know because we have been listening in but so far, no-one but Helen really knows what went on and she won’t talk! I am just hoping she says something soon or that that help line has recorded her contact number which would reveal what she said to them with her permission.

    Miss Mid-CityMiss Mid-City

    Helen’s silence is the thing that really sticks in my craw about this plot.

    It raises questions in my mind about her fitness to enter a plea – is she really traumatised?

    And it raises questions about her parenting in the sense that she isn’t capable of thinking about protecting Henry from the risk of further harm. The issue of where Henry ought to be living isn’t just that he’d be happier living with her parents – it’s that he’d be safer living with them. She needs to speak up and speak out and explain exactly what has taken place in her marriage so her child can be protected from Rob.

    As for the way Rob has been depicted in recent episodes – he’s turning into some kind of psychopath. That display of irrational bad temper when he responded finding out the baby’s name had been registered as “Jack” was like someone who was unhinged. A person who can lose control like that however strongly he feels about his right to choose his child’s name shouldn’t be allowed near a child in my view. The way he has started to talk about Helen also indicates to me that he’s not capable of protecting and promoting her relationship with Henry. We, the listeners, have already heard how he is influencing Henry to tell lies about Helen. I don’t think he and Henry should be having any contact anyway because they’re both prosecution witnesses in the criminal case – but that’s another matter …

    And I wonder if he has betrayed any of those strong, negative feelings about Helen to the CAFCASS officer during the course of the investigations that are necessary for the family court case about where Henry ought to live. If he’s as reckless with the truth in his evidence for the family case as he was in giving his statement to the police, the right outcome should be that he is hoist on his own petard.

    It was a big, big mistake to go down this procedural, legal route …


    I know someone who was married to a man who did to her pretty much what Rob did to Helen. Rather than stabbing him, she left him and built a new life on her own. He retaliated by suing successfully for full custody of their children, then preventing her from seeing them while telling them she had abandoned them. So you shouldn’t assume things would necessarily go better for Helen if she had pulled herself together and left. An expert soul murderer like Rob doesn’t need to get physically get his hands on you in order to destroy you.

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