Too far?

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    Blithe SpiritBlithe Spirit

    This storyline is taking a horrific and predictable turn. Part of the nightmare of domestic abuse is the outward appearance of a perfect relationship while truly shocking behaviour goes on within it – the abused partner unable to reveal their torment while being controlled and threatened by their abuser. Helen is beginning to show signs of that already. So in that sense, it is realistic.

    However, I don’t like this storyline, and I don’t like how riddled with darkness and conflict The Archers has become under the current editorship. I don’t expect the programme to be a cosy tale of bucolic life, but I don’t expect to have to put up with sensationalism, unremitting misery and genuinely upsetting stories either. The Archers isn’t Brookside or Eastenders, for pete’s sake.

    Not a happy bunny – it is a bridge too far. If this storyline isn’t resolved quickly, I’m going to stop listening.

    Spare MousieSpare Mousie

    I was almost relieved that Tom noticed Helen’s bruise in tonight’s episode. OldTom wasn’t the most empathetic but perhaps the Canadian Cabin Experience has transformed NuTom. Will this, along with her humble echoing of Rob’s opinions, so markedly in contrast to what she thought last week, make the penny drop for Tom?

    Otherwise I fear we’re in for the long haul. Slow burn is one thing, but following a grimly realistic pattern of domestic abuse is going too far, in my opinion. I hope we start to see light at the end of the tunnel soon and have someone notice what’s going on with Helen. Where is Ian in all of this? Pat, open your eyes!

    Ooh, where’s me manners? Coo-ee everyone, new member here, but long time fan of DumTeeDum and avid Twittererer.

    Sue GedgeKatieKing

    A whole week on, and I just can’t get ‘that’ episode out of my head! (I strongly suspect, incidentally, that the bruise Tom’s noticed on Helen’s wrist was sustained that night; not too put too fine a point on it, I think that the action that led to the bruise coincided with her shocked cry of ‘Rob!’ as he pinned her down in a way that was quite unlike anything she was used to in their previous sex life.) Have just listened to the very thoughtful and nuanced comments on the podcast and I still can’t answer the question of whether this has ‘gone too far’ for The Archers. I think it’s been brilliantly acted and scripted, and I must say I admire those who noticed Rob’s sociopathic tendencies from the outset—I didn’t for several months. And one thing I did notice, from looking at some comments on social media was that some listeners didn’t realise during Thursday episode that they were listening to something more akin to ‘date rape’ than a Mills and Boon, lovey-dovey scene. So they were beguiled as much as Helen–clever writing. So–too far or not too far? I’d say a lot depends on how this develops. I hope it doesn’t turn into melodrama and I hope it’s all wrapped by Christmas. Any longer and I’m not sure my nerves can stand it (although I appreciate in real life this could go on for years.) On balance, I think I’ll say well done, The Archers, for raising this difficult subject.


    The Archers is historically character driven and whilst issues have come along they tend not to drive the action forward.

    For those who watch it EastEnders tends to be issue driven – a story about this and a story about that and the characters are twisted to handle the issues. TA characters are similarly being twisted (Pat’s volte face being the most recent).

    It is not the right way with our particularly beloved slice of drama.

    So yes it is too far.

    Sue GedgeKatieKing

    But surely this story line is ‘character driven’? Rob’s character (as the discerning noticed) was established at least two years ago and Helen, with her neediness and vulnerability, is exactly the kind of person who would fall for him. I agree Pat should be more astute, but Rob has worked his charms on her and she’s not infallible.


    I’m still catching up with this and listened to the Thursday episode after having listened to the latest DumTeeDum. Even with forewarning I didn’t really understand what had happened in the last 30 seconds of the Thursday episode. It wasn’t until the Friday episode that it all made sense. Rob’s “we both went a bit far didn’t we” or words to that effect was chilling, and Helen’s response to Pat that “he takes good care of me” was sickening. It doesn’t entirely ring true for me that this has happened to Helen as, as a callerinerer pointed out, she was quite headstrong around the time of Henry’s conception/birth. However I guess that’s the point of the story – head (this guy is an asshole and is violent) versus heart (but I love him to some degree) plus loss of face (all these people warned me about him and I don’t want to have to admit they’re right) plus practicality (he’s in my house, shared bank account…) can lead to people acting out of character and justifying the situation they’re in. I just hope she confides in someone.

    Goddess DeevaGoddess Deeva

    Warning, contains scenes some listeners may find disturbing.

    If you are affected by our storylines then call…

    Not really difficult.

    Spare MousieSpare Mousie

    Yes, the lack of warning or post-episode helpline was very insensitive in my opinion given how very disturbing the Thursday night and Friday morning scenes with Rob and Helen were. There’s also an eerie silence about Helen and Rob on the BBC’s The Archers web site. It’s all about Pip and sheep, the blog prior to that being about Hazel.

    Very curious and indeed I’m not very impressed. It’s not as if a domestic abuse helpline would be a spoiler. Can anyone possibly have doubts about Rob any more? There was a helpline for the miscarriage story, for Darrell’s depression, why not this?

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