Unfinished story lines

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    Valerie BaylissValerie Bayliss

    A common enough occurrence in the Archers but outside the bunting and Lexi I was pondering on the past. I remember Robert losing his business/job and them worrying about selling Ambridge Hall because they were broke. Lynda got the job at Grey Gables ato help and then no more. Also what happened to Dr Locke, brought him back then….nothing. Anyone got any other thoughts from time ago?


    What happened to Darren? He vanished without trace. Also odd the Mike and Vicky Tucker never pop up in Ambridge to see Roy /their many friends in the village (and nor does Brenda for that matter).

    Francis A'bearFrancis A’bear

    Who burned down the bloody mobile hen-house?

    Purple PumpkinPurple Pumpkin

    How about Kenton having a daughter on the other side of the world who never even gets a mention. Even Kate’s offspring are mentioned sometimes, but poor old Meriel has simply vanished from Kenton’s memory.

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