Ursula – Sunday Evening Episod

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    Katherine JagoKatherine Jago

    A little slow off the blocks here, but did anyone else think that there were overtones of Lady Catherine de Burgh? I’m thinking of the remark about how the room looks quite presentable when tidy, and the comment that “there seems to be a prettyish kind of wilderness” when Lady C visits Elizabeth at home.

    Makes a change from Hardy, anyway!

    Ms BubblesMs Bubbles

    Maybe, I didn’t get that at the time. I just thought she was being condescending in her usual way. Lady Catherine combines this with a lack of self reflection. My favourite line of hers is when she says something about how talented she would have been had she ever learned a to play the piano. To me Arsula is a bit of pathetic figure.

    Miss Mid-CityMiss Mid-City

    Yes, Ursula is a badly sketched, pathetic figure. She has been a totally unnecessary addition to the cast list. She adds very little to the proceedings: cowering and simpering when Bruce was around, conniving with Rob and then shrewish and vicious to the Archer family (post-stabbing). There’s quite enough characters at the heart of the drama going on without her being involved, too.

    If her chief function has been to create more tension and friction and nurse Rob that’s all very well and good but it doesn’t make sense. She was absent for so much of the build up to this story. The only time she was mentioned prior to her arrival Rob was horrible and negative about her. Now she’s the doting mother. It doesn’t add up. Is Bruce going to show up again? Is Miles ever going to appear? Their continued absence doesn’t make sense to me, either.

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