Was Anyone Else Taken Aback When Rob Said…

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    …”I just want to get to the knife drawer?” Personally, I thought the worst until Pat left the house unscathed. I’m now wondering what, if anything, might transpire from this bit of ominous foreshadowing.

    And where do you suppose Henry was? I hate to think of the possibilities. Might the elf costume figure into this somehow? (((SHUDDER!)))

    Roifield BrownRoifield Brown

    That line passed my by, well done for spotting it!

    Ibn BattutaIbn Battuta

    I think he deliberately did that to unsettle her and making it about him, the poor stab victim.
    Funny how Henry is always at a party as soon as anyone from the Archer family comes by, but never at any other times.

    Pat does seem to have understood that he is evil but she still thought there was a chance he would allow them more time and let them go on a holiday of their choosing. When is she going to wisen up? Start recording their conversations and the preposterous things he claims. He has now uncontested claimed that Helen had a chaotic and peculiar upbringing (in court) and that Pat and Tony might abduct Henry.

    Peter MabbuttPeter Mabbutt

    Kitchen, knives? Pat should have completed what Hellin started….

    (not that I advocate violence)

    (Except towards fictional irritants like Rob – then kill the b*stard I say…)

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