Why did Jess never get pregnant?

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    Charlie CatCharlie Cat

    Sorry if there is an obvious answer but why, if they were together so long and it seemingly took her no time at all to get pregnant via a one night stand, did they not have children? Rob seemed desperate ot be a father to a son, so much he raped his wife?

    Or is it just a gaping plot hole best to be left ignored?

    Tom WilliamsTom Williams

    Either Jess was onto Rob more thanbwe know and was taking the pill
    Or they were just incompatible some couples just can’t make it work and tgen new partner comes along and boom pregnant

    Just a theory but i suspect Jess was secretly on the pill

    Charlie CatCharlie Cat

    You are probably right there, she did seem to have more freedom than Helen, a job, a house move, the party (fishkettle-gate) so perhaps that was it, hence Robs being keen to jump ship when Helen came along.

    Tom WilliamsTom Williams

    Rob would have thought
    “Stupid woman is Barren, i need someone else to mother MY son”

    Chris LowisChris Lowis

    To be fair, Rob’s personality is a pretty good contraceptive…

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