DTD: 375 – Where did Adam get the money, is something up?

The guest host chair is occupied by Philippa Hall this week as it continues the perambulation around the country.   I don’t quite understand why the pink pound seems to have dropped in value.  I realise that Ian is either furloughed or still on paternity leave and has had lower earnings – but no-one engages an electrician for a full re-wiring of a house without having the money in the bank so I think the plot has been lost.  I assume Adam went to a payday lender for the cash to pay the bill and the interest will be enormous! […]

DTD: 374 – The missing Dumteedum

Technology is wonderful – mobile phones, computers, broadband, podcasts, database systems, Windows – when it works.  But when you are a DumTeeDum summariser and a whole week of DTD goes missing it throws your schedule out completely and alongside that you are trying to drive a new database system live, re-write bits of a website plus work out how to use Microsoft Teams the week just goes from bad to worse.   So the database – handed over the data to do a test upload and looked at the results.  Turns out that every time data was saved you “deceased” […]

Alcohol Abuse vs Alcoholism Key Differences for Alcohol Misuse

Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Adolescents and Adults] Those who screen positive should be evaluated for AUD using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DMS-V) criteria. Alcohol and other drug use have been found to occur most often between the hours of 3 p.m. And 6 p.m., immediately after school, and prior to parents’ arrival at home from work. Teen participation in extracurricular activities has therefore been revealed to be an important prevention measure for the use of alcohol in this age group. Parents can also help educate teens about appropriate coping and stress-management strategies. For example, 15- […]

DTD: 373 – Understanding Modern Slavery with Amelia Gentleman of the Guardian and Justine Currell of Unseen

We speak to Justine Currell of the anti-slavery charity Unseen and award-winning Journalist Amelia Gentleman who has written about the modern slavery storyline in the Guardian. Please go to our Just Giving page and donate to our campaign to help Modern Slavery in the UK and around the world.www.justgiving.com/fundraising/BlakeKenziesandJordan

DTD: 372 – Peggy Woolley matriarch, battle axe and badass and Shula isn’t so bad after all

Quentin Rayner joins Roifield and Rosie Porty this week and the programme commences with a demolition job on Peggy Woolley with the proposition being demolished (can you molish anything?) by Quentin who is on fine form.  And Roifield weighs in on Peggy’s side as well.  Whilst we could all do without re-wilding for the grand old woman to have yet another go at Tony for no good reason other than he was unwanted in the first place was out of order and did nothing for the good humour of listeners – but who cares about them these days?   Callers […]

DTD: 371 – What’s the story with Tony Archer and more Ambridge musings

Poor Tony – what has he done to be blessed with a mother like Peggy, a wife like Pat (who oddly does not converse in Welsh with her daughter-in-law – why not? – there could be subtitles for the rest of us like when watching Icelandic Noir), a daughter like Helen and ye gods a son like Tom?  To be honest you can understand why Tony has followed in the footsteps of Pete Waterman and Rod Stewart and built himself a model railway so that he at least one world where he is control.  (You wonder where Rod found the […]

DTD: 370 – Susan talks to the press and Peggy’s thoughts on Tony

Trazzer may be no more; short term, short lived intercourse and tragically sussed by Johnny in record time (you can argue too much for your own cover story).  Disappointing as I was looking forward to the Cricket Team Sunday teas as Jazzer takes up the role of caterer delivering those wonderful Scottish staples – cullen skink to start followed by haggis, neeps and tatties washed down with gallons of whisky, but only for the away team!   Meanwhile Neil and Soosan were setup for an incredible fall.  I am convinced that the entire slavery story has been given a prominence […]

DTD: 369 – A Ménage à abattoir – Who are Ambridge’s swingers?

Sometimes I do not identify the absurdity of the week until Roifield and his rotating hosts (this week – Keri and Pete) commence their discussions.  On this podcast when it came it was like being thwacked over the head with a heavy book.    In common with most of the legal arrangements in Ambridge we have no idea if the Three Weird Wilders who have taken on tenancies of about 400 acres of prime Ambridge land are a partnership or a limited company.  If they have taken any legal guidance at all (doubtful) then they will have formed a company […]

Character Count – January 2021

POSITION CHARACTER APPEARANCES 1 Kirsty Miller 8 2 Elizabeth Pargetter 5 = Shula Hebden Lloyd 5 4 Brian Aldridge 4 = David Archer 4 = Helen Archer 4 = Ruth Archer 4 8 Alistair Lloyd 3 = Freddie Pargetter 3 = Jazzer McCreary 3 = Jim Lloyd 3 = Lynda Snell 3 = Philip Moss 3 = Pip Archer 3 = Rex Fairbrother 3 = Tracy Horrobin 3 17 Alan Franks 2 = DC Tanners 2 = Justin Elliott 2 = Natasha Archer 2 = Neil Carter 2 = Phoebe Aldridge 2 = Robert Snell 2 = Roy Tucker 2 […]

DTD: 368 – David gets a gold star and Shula is given the clap twice

Picture an editorial meeting, somewhere near Birmingham.  The Editor has had a great idea for a storyline; it is so good he tells everyone that we can get the new nasty Mr Big in a corner and then for weeks on end someone in the village can give him a good kicking.  One week Jim can do it on behalf of the atheists; the next week Shula can do it on behalf of the Christians and so the listeners will know just how bad Mr Big is as everyone is against him.  Plus the editor adds that we can have […]