Are you Team Charlie?

When Charlie Thomas first came to Ambridge, he was utterly annoying: a right Mr Company Man. However, since the advent of Titchyknob (whom pretty much all of The Archers listenership is now agreed, must die a profoundly painful and lingering death), I have grown to tolerate Charlie. Like him? Um, not quite yet… I do wish he’d stop going after Adam. But as far as Rob’s concerned – yes. Go get him, slugger! And for that, I’m Team Charlie. Are you?

How were you introduced to The Archers?

Unlike Roifield and Lucy, and esteemed callerinnerers who have been listening to The Archers since tender youth, I’ve only been acquainted with this radio institution for a comparatively short eight years, after being introduced to it by The Other Half. He listened to it at his grandmother’s knee and continues, unabashed, into middle age (ahem). The introduction formed part of a cultural swap: he gave me The Archers; I gave him Made in Chelsea (clearly, my part of the deal was better than his). I had experienced The Archers briefly before then, when Ruth was having an affair with Sam […]