Began listening our of curiosity. I had heard TA referenced in television programs and other places and sought it out to see what is was all about. I found a way to stream BBCR4 and then discovered the podcast and online episodes and have been listening faithfully for a while now. I am now very happy to find forums and this site where i can interact and learn more from others who share my interest.
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Daily podcast listener, usually puts me right to sleep so I have to listen again during the morning commute....
Witherspoon P. McCosh-Wilson the 35th, better known simply as Witherspoon or “Wit,” is an adult and child psychiatrist from New York City, and a
Co Host of Dum Tee Dum,
I've been into Ambridge since 1984, so I'm still a newbie
Created and co-hosts Dumteedum, a weekly fan podcast