Jon The First

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Lady Barbarella
I didn’t grow up in the UK so I didn’t know anything about The Archers until I moved in with my partner about 4 years
Yokel Bear
Mark or 'Bear' to his friends tweets as @Yokelbear from the wilds of Wiltshire. He was raised in an Archers listening household and has been
Andrew Horn
Archers listener consistently since I was 13...lover of opera and red wine. Founder member of Lucy's pussy posse.
Paul Roome
Paul started listening to The Archers in the early 1980s as a way to get close to the land, as he realised his boyhood dream
Goddess Deeva
Goddessdeeva, secret agent, trapeze artist, lover and fighter. As quick to forgiveness as she is to anger, she has been known to run round Bristol
Roifield Brown
Co Host of Dum Tee Dum, I've been into Ambridge since 1984, so I'm still a newbie Created and co-hosts Dumteedum, a weekly fan podcast